- In the vision of the “chariots” is there any comparison with the vision of Ezekiel and “the chariot”?
- According to the reply to the prophet’s inquiry (Zechariah 6:5) what do these chariots represent and from whence do they emanate?
- In the vision do these “chariots” have a particular function and a particular destination?
- What turn does the prophecy or text take in Zechariah 6:9-10 and does this have any relationship to the vision?
- Who is to be designated as the Kohen Gadol (and is there any reference to any parallel development on the political level)?
- Who or what is “Tzemah” (usually rendered in English translation as “a shoot growing from a plant or a tree”)?
- From Zechariah 6:12 would one conclude that “God’s house” is already built?
- Would Zechariah 6:13 imply that there will be two leaders — the one the Kohen and the other in a different category — and that there would be a happy coalescence of views and authority where they were concerned?
- In Zechariah 6:14 what are the atarot and why are they to be assigned to the individuals mentioned — and have these individuals been mentioned earlier (see Zechariah 6:10)?
- Is the last refrain in Zechariah 6:15 a truncated introduction to that which might have followed or is it a conclusion indicating that what has been predicted in this chapter would come about — if?
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