- Would the first verse indicate a concern with the political leadership or with the religious leadership in ‘that day” — and would “that day” indicate a projection for an undetermined future?
- In Zechariah 13:2 reference is made to the elimination of the prophets; to which prophets is reference made?
- Zechariah 13:3 talks of a violent end to a prophet — again, what “calibre” of prophet is described here?
- What does the “hair shirt” indicate as to the garb of certain of those who claim to be prophets?
- To what constituency does the phrasing of “shepherd and sheep” is there a substantial remnant of Israel anticipated in “that day” (Zechariah 13:8-9)?
- The final refrain in the 9th verse would indicate that, finally, there would be a satisfying condition or a “continuing problem”?
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