- Micah in Hebrew is “Mika-Yahu” (who is like God?) — with what connotation?
- How does Jeremiah 26:18 confirm the biographical data for this prophet?
- Micah’s prophesies (Micah 1:1) were directed to Israel, Judea or both?
- Where is “God’s place” that God is to leave — and to what end?
- What is the shared transgression of Israel and Judea (Micah 1:5-6)?
- Why is Shomron compared to a prostitute?
- And where has Shomron’s (Israel’s) infection spread (Micah 1:9)?
- And, consequently what is to become of Jerusalem (Micah 1:12)?
- Why the mourning symbolism of Micah 1:16?
Exploring Judaism is the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism, embracing the beauty and complexity of Judaism, and our personal search for meaning, learning, and connecting. Our goal is to create content based on three core framing: Meaning-Making (Why?), Practical Living (How?), and Explainers (What?).
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