- Does the introduction to this prophecy indicate anything as to the nature of the prophet himself?
- Why the interrogative “in what way have you favored us”?
- Does the Divine reply satisfy the inquiry?
- Does the reply predict reconstruction for Israel or destruction for its enemy (Malachi 1:4-5)?
- And does the refrain in Malachi 1:5 indicate a universal appreciation of the dominion of Divinity?
- What question is posited by Divinity to Israel (Malachi 1:6)?
- Does Malachi 1:7 indicate that the concern is primarily with the ethical or with “observance patterns based upon the karban worship mode”?
- What is the meaning of the word eyl in Malachi 1:9?
- Does Malachi 1:11 affirm the prophet’s view that the provenance of Divinity is quite beyond the confines of Israel?
- And, in Malachi 1:13, is the plaint the violation of ethical and moral principles or, once again, the “karban mode” not being properly observed?
- Does this chapter deal, then, with “the Temple” and/or the overall mitzvah pattern?
- And would it indicate that the “karban mode” was not being observed in a fashion which was minimally satisfactory?
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