- Is the asham described also different (Lev 7:1-8)?
- In Lev 7:7 what provision is made for the Kohanim?
- How does Lev 7:13 depart from prior regulations regarding korbanot?
- When (Lev 7:16-21) is eating of the korban not acceptable and, indeed, transgressive in nature?
- In Lev 7:23 et seq, does the text deal with korbanot or food per se (see Lev 7:25)?
- As to the blood, is the prohibition universal or limited to korbanot (Lev 7:26-27)?
- What relationship is set forth in Lev 7:28-38 re: offerings, the Israelite bringing, and the Kohen, not specified previously?
- How durable are the regulations posited in this section (Lev 7:34) and with what “authority?”
- In Lev 7:37 what is the meaning of the word “Torah” in this context?
- In Lev 7:38, what historical setting is described for the preceding regulations and what “authority” does this setting bring in its wake?
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