Guiding Questions: Jonah 2

This is part of the Tanakh Yomi Project.

  1. Does the text deal with the “technical question” of from whence came the “large fish” (there is no specific reference to a whale or any other type of sea creature — simply a “big fish”) and does the fish eat or swallow Jonah? (The Hebrew for these verbs differs.)
  2. According to the text Jonah, then, is in the innards of the creature for what period of time?
  3. Jonah then utters tefillot and what is the substance of his tefillah?
  4. The passages in Jonah 2:3 are in the past tense; when, then, would Jonah have uttered these tefillot and have been answered?
  5. Does Jonah in this tefillah (which continues through Jonah 2:10) at any point express specific regret for failing to follow God’s direction?
  6. In Jonah 2:6 does the reference to “tehom” imply the Tiamat of Bereyshit or, simply, an adjective for “the depths of the ocean”?
  7. Jonah 2:8 indicates that Jonah remembered God at what time — and is this entirely atypical?
  8. Does Jonah specifically state that it is when there is trouble that he turns to God?
  9. What pledge does Jonah make in Jonah 2:10 — and does he, at any point (again) indicate that he will follow the mandate which he had sought to avoid?
  10. Is there any answer from Divinity save for the instructions to the “large fish” which “vomits forth” Jonah on land (and note the specific Hebrew verb)?


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Perek Yomi materials originally produced by the USCJ and Dr. Morton K. Siegel.
We are grateful to be able to share this material.


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    Exploring Judaism is the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism, embracing the beauty and complexity of Judaism, and our personal search for meaning, learning, and connecting. Our goal is to create content based on three core framing: Meaning-Making (Why?), Practical Living (How?), and Explainers (What?).

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