- In what do the rulers of Zion and Shomron place their confidence?
- Why does the prophet direct the Shomronites to visit in nearby country (Amos 6:2)?
- The description of the life of the prosperous of Shomron would indicate a high level of luxury or “modest middle class” — by the standards of that day?
- Does the prophet denounce luxury or comfort in itself or because of attendant privation for the overall population?
- In Amos 6:8 — what oath does God “voice” and (Amos 6:9) what will become of the prosperous when the oath is fulfilled?
- In Amos 6:12, once again, the prophet stresses the reason for the destruction to be visited on Israel: what is that reason?
- In Amos 6:13, the prophet adds that those who are powerful and prosperous have ascribed their power and prosperity to themselves or as deriving from Divinity?
- Does Amos 6:14 indicate that the privation to come will include foreign nations?
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