- To whom does the prophet make reference in his sarcastic description of the “cows of the Bashan”?
- What is the reason for the condemnation — failure to observe certain religious practices or failure to observe the mitzvot of economic-social conduct?
- Would it appear, then, that the influence of the “woman” is considered consequential or incidental in terms of the economic inequities which the prophet condemns?
- What prediction does the prophet voice for these “bovines” in Amos 4:2-3?
- Why would there be reference to the bringing of karbonot and tithes; are not these practices praiseworthy or is the prophet indicating that the these practices unaccompanied by appropriate observance of the socio-economic mitzvot are less than meaningless?
- Specifically, in Amos 4:5, what does the prophet state as to the “attitude” of the Israelites?
- Has Divinity sought to afford a corrective to these practices (Amos 4:6-7)?
- Was the purpose of the privations of nature, as selective, intended to castigate or to instruct?
- Accordingly (Amos 4:9) what was the next step?
- Finally, according to Amos 4:10-11, what major “punishments” were forthcoming — and did they have the desired result?
- Would “preparing for your God, Israel” bespeak a positive development or one that is to be avoided at all costs?
- Amos 4:13 is a summary descriptive of Divinity and its thesis is that the Divine is forgiving or omnipotent without any reference to rahmanut?
Exploring Judaism is the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism, embracing the beauty and complexity of Judaism, and our personal search for meaning, learning, and connecting. Our goal is to create content based on three core framing: Meaning-Making (Why?), Practical Living (How?), and Explainers (What?).
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