- Is the instruction in this chapter for a specific group or all Israelites (Lev 4:2)?
- Is the violation of a mitzvah mandate in this instance deliberate or accidental?
- And, since “nefesh” is the term used (Lev 4:2), would this regulation relate to a male only?
- Who is dealt with first (Lev 4:3) and why?
- What is a “Kohen Hamashiah”? Does the title imply anything more than “who was anointed” and/or the Kohen Gadol — high priest?
- After dealing with the “Kohen Hamashiah”, the total group (eydah, kahal) is dealt with and who serves as its representative(s) — the Kohen or ___________? (Lev 4:15)
- What is the “consequence” of this korban (Lev 4:20)?
- Does any one “say anything” – i.e. “we confess”, “we are sorry”, “this will exculpate us”, etc.?
- What is a “nasi” – and how other than “Kohen” or “zakeyn” (Lev 4:22)?
- In effect, is there any difference in the procedure for an inadvertent mitzvah violation for any of the three categories?
- Lev 4:27 has the phrase “Am Haaretz.” Is its meaning here “the Council of the People” — or other?
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