- To whom is Moses to communicate the instructions which follow in this chapter (and in virtually all of the seven chapters to follow)—the Kohanim or the Israelites?
- How does this follow, logically, the conclusion of the Book of Shmot?
- Is any specific intent required to bring a Korban (usually translated as “sacrifice” or “offering” but actually “a drawing closer”)?
- In Lev 1:4 — for what will he be granted “atonement?”
- In the description of the details which follow, is the Israelite expected to utter any T’fillah formula?
- In Lev 1:9, what is meant by “sweet savor?”
- Do the Kohanim utter any T’fillah/formula?
- In essence, do the Kohanim have any other than a supplementary role?
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