Guiding Questions: Jeremiah 51

This is part of the Tanakh Yomi Project.

  1. Is there any indication as to when (or where) Jeremiah 51 was composed?
  2. What is the prediction for Babylonia and is Nebuchadnezzar mentioned?
  3. Have the exiles been treated well in Babylonia (Jeremiah 51:5) or is the “asham” of some other nature?
  4. What is meant by the phrase “Babylonia is a gold cup in God’s hand” (Jeremiah 51:7)?
  5. Does Jeremiah 51:11 identify the destroyers of Babylonia?
  6. What comparison is made between the belief patterns of the “nations” and the Jews in Jeremiah 51:15-19?
  7. In Jeremiah 51:24, Babylonia is specifically excoriated for what it did in and to Zion, but was it not “God’s instrument”?
  8. Did “the instrument” appreciate its role or did it glory in the destructive action itself? (And, note Jeremiah 51:47)
  9. In Jeremiah 51:57, is any hope predicted for Babylonia — as (for example) for Edom, for Moab?
  10. Jeremiah 51:59 indicates that the predicted fall of Babylonia was shared with Tzidkiyahu – in what fashion?


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Perek Yomi materials originally produced by the USCJ and Dr. Morton K. Siegel.
We are grateful to be able to share this material.


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    Exploring Judaism is the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism, embracing the beauty and complexity of Judaism, and our personal search for meaning, learning, and connecting. Our goal is to create content based on three core framing: Meaning-Making (Why?), Practical Living (How?), and Explainers (What?).

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