- Is there any indication as to when (or where) Jeremiah 51 was composed?
- What is the prediction for Babylonia and is Nebuchadnezzar mentioned?
- Have the exiles been treated well in Babylonia (Jeremiah 51:5) or is the “asham” of some other nature?
- What is meant by the phrase “Babylonia is a gold cup in God’s hand” (Jeremiah 51:7)?
- Does Jeremiah 51:11 identify the destroyers of Babylonia?
- What comparison is made between the belief patterns of the “nations” and the Jews in Jeremiah 51:15-19?
- In Jeremiah 51:24, Babylonia is specifically excoriated for what it did in and to Zion, but was it not “God’s instrument”?
- Did “the instrument” appreciate its role or did it glory in the destructive action itself? (And, note Jeremiah 51:47)
- In Jeremiah 51:57, is any hope predicted for Babylonia — as (for example) for Edom, for Moab?
- Jeremiah 51:59 indicates that the predicted fall of Babylonia was shared with Tzidkiyahu – in what fashion?
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