- When do the events narrated in Jeremiah 28 take place?
- Hanan-Yah is described as a “navi.” Is the title technical or real?
- What does the name Hanan-Yah mean?
- Where does the dialogue take place?
- What is the basic assertion of Hanan-Yah?
- What is the specific assertion as to the group (royalty and others) exiled to Babylonia?
- Is Jeremiah opposed to the prediction of Hanan-Yah? But does he consider it a “true prediction”?
- What will establish the veracity of Hanan-Yah’s prediction?
- Why is Jeremiah wearing a yoke and why does Hanan-Yah break it?
- To which, how does Jeremiah respond?
- Does the Divine accept this reaction (or lack of action)?
- In sum, what do the concluding verses affirm as to (a) Hanan-Yah’s “prophetic authority” and (b) the actual course of events to ensue?
- Was Jeremiah’s prediction as to Hanan-Yah’s destiny long in being realized?
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