- When reference is made to the first year of Nebuchadnezzar, is this “first year” the first year of his rule?
- How long has Jeremiah been prophesying (Jeremiah 25:3)?
- In Jeremiah 25:9, Nebuchadnezzar is referred to as “My servant”. What principle is evidenced here as to individuals and country serving as the instruments of punitive action for covenant violation?
- For how many years would Babylonia be served (Jeremiah 25:11)?
- And following that period of time, what is to be the destiny of Babylonia itself?
- In Jeremiah 25:13, reference is made to “this book”. What book?
- Which countries, then, are to be dealt with punitively during the course of Babylonian ascendancy — only Judea or others as well?
- Would the listing indicate a substantial series of conquests by the Babylonians?
- What conclusion do Jeremiah 25:30-38 set forth for those countries which are to be conquered by Babylonia?
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