- Who are the evil shepherds and what constitutes the flock of sheep?
- Does Jeremiah 23:3 reflect a time of exile?
- Does Jeremiah 23:5 reverse the earlier prediction that there is hope for the royal house of David?
- Have Jeremiah 23:7-8 been encountered earlier in Jeremiah’s prophecy?
- Who is speaking in Jeremiah 23:10?
- Are the prophets of Shomron (Jeremiah 23:13) loyal to their calling and what of the prophets in Jerusalem?
- Why does the prophet choose to compare the lying prophets to Sedom and Amorah?
- What, essentially, was the message of the false prophets (Jeremiah 23:17)?
- In Jeremiah 23:25, what “medium of prophecy” appears to have been employed by the false prophets?
- What is the opinion expressed re: “prophecy through dream visions” (Jeremiah 23:28)?
- In the continuing denunciation of the false prophets (Jeremiah 23:32 et seq) the final denunciation in Jeremiah 23:40 indicates that their misleading will result in what timeless reputation?”
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