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Tag: The Observant Life
When Can a Jewish Wedding Happen?
There are times when a Jewish wedding can happen and times when weddings cannot, either according to laws or customs.
Rabbi Carl Astor
The Observant Life (Book)
June 26, 2024
Marriage As Mitzvah
Jews see marriage as mitzvah based on biblical and rabbinic texts. Marriage is seen as important for spirituality and closeness with God.
Rabbi Carl Astor
The Observant Life (Book)
June 26, 2024
El Séder: Un Resumen
El Séder de Pesaj es, para muchos judíos, la fiesta ritual más importante del año.
Masorti Olami
The Rabbi Reuven Hammer Institute for Masorti Jewish Learning
April 11, 2024
How to observe Passover
Le seder : un aperçu
Le seder de Pessah est pour de nombreux juifs, le repas rituel le plus important de l’année.
Masorti Olami
The Rabbi Reuven Hammer Institute for Masorti Jewish Learning
April 11, 2024
How to observe Passover
Que es Jametz?
La sustancia prohibida, jametz, se define como la mezcla del grano de cualquiera de las cinco especies de cereales (trigo, cebada, avena, espelta y centeno) ...
Masorti Olami
The Rabbi Reuven Hammer Institute for Masorti Jewish Learning
April 11, 2024
Pesaj en Español
Qu’est-ce que le hamets?
Le hamets est toute nourriture faite à partir des 5 espèces de céréales (blé, orge, avoine, épeautre, seigle) humidifiées, et cuites après 18 minutes.
Masorti Olami
The Rabbi Reuven Hammer Institute for Masorti Jewish Learning
April 11, 2024
Pessah en Français
Thèmes de Pessah et du jeûne des premiers-nés
Ces trois concepts : liberté – rédemption - printemps interviennent ensemble dans les différents aspects de l’observance de Pessah.
Masorti Olami
The Rabbi Reuven Hammer Institute for Masorti Jewish Learning
April 11, 2024
Pessah en Français
Temas de Pesaj, Nisán, y el Ayuno de los Primogénitos
Estos tres conceptos (libertad, redención y primavera) se combinan en diferentes aspectos de la observancia de Pesaj.
Masorti Olami
The Rabbi Reuven Hammer Institute for Masorti Jewish Learning
April 11, 2024
Pesaj en Español
The Textual Foundations of Honoring One’s Parents
The Rabbis explain that honoring one’s parents is to be understood essentially as an act of worshiping God.
Rabbi Daniel Nevins
The Observant Life (Book)
May 31, 2023
Jewish Obligations of Parents to Children
When speaking about family, there is a wide variety of opinions and also a variety of obligations of parents, situations and relationships.
Rabbi Daniel Nevins
The Observant Life (Book)
May 30, 2023
Ethical Approaches to Advertising: A Jewish Perspective
The responsibility of sellers to enact ethical advertising of their products is equal to, if not greater than that of the careful consumer.
Rabbi Jacob Blumenthal
The Observant Life (Book)
May 25, 2023
Business Ethics
A Jewish Lens on Investing and Gambling
What special ethical concerns arise as the distinction between company owners and customers is blurred by equity investment?
Rabbi Jacob Blumenthal
The Observant Life (Book)
May 25, 2023
Business Ethics
Talmudic Discussions on Monopolies
Where a monopoly offers a clear benefit to consumers, Jewish tradition does sanction them on a closely regulated basis.
Rabbi Jacob Blumenthal
The Observant Life (Book)
May 24, 2023
Business Ethics
Honesty in Business
The laws that govern commerce aim to prevent the unscrupulous transfer of property or money from its rightful possessor to another person.
Rabbi Jacob Blumenthal
The Observant Life (Book)
May 24, 2023
Business Ethics
Shopping Intentions as an Ethical Consumer
Customers share in the responsibility for ensuring that transactions are fair, and should be upfront about their intentions as consumers.
Rabbi Jacob Blumenthal
The Observant Life (Book)
May 24, 2023
Business Ethics
Fair Prices: A Jewish Perspective
The Mishnah defines the fair price of an item, such that the seller earn a fair price, while not defrauding the buyer.
Rabbi Jacob Blumenthal
The Observant Life (Book)
May 24, 2023
Business Ethics
Commerce and Competition in Jewish Law
The Talmud sets a limited precedent for free market competition by balancing the rights of merchants with the interests of consumers.
Rabbi Jacob Blumenthal
The Observant Life (Book)
May 24, 2023
Business Ethics
The History of Tzedakah
The degree to which a person was obligated to contribute to the poor became the mark of membership in a community.
Rabbi Elliot N. Dorff, Ph.D.
The Observant Life (Book)
May 24, 2023
Every Day
The Importance of Community Giving
Fundamentally, Jewish law offers some clear guidelines responding to the problems of poverty, the best of which is to prevent poverty itself.
Rabbi Elliot N. Dorff, Ph.D.
The Observant Life (Book)
May 24, 2023
Every Day
Jewish Law
Ethical Fundraising: A Jewish Perspective
Are bingo and more serious forms of gambling allowed to raise funds for synagogues and other Jewish institutions?
Rabbi Elliot N. Dorff, Ph.D.
The Observant Life (Book)
May 24, 2023
Ethical Fundraising
Three Types of Prohibited Speech According to Jewish Law
It is largely agreed upon that the types of speech encompassed by the biblical prohibition fall into three categories of increasing severity.
The Observant Life (Book)
May 19, 2023
Every Day
Human interactions
When Does Jewish Law Say We Are Permitted to Talk About Others
Lashon hara I’to·elet are those occasions when it is permissible, or even required, to speak about other people.
The Observant Life (Book)
May 18, 2023
Biblical Texts Addressing Gossip
Human beings have been given the divine power of speech to enable our participation in the ongoing work of sustaining God’s creation.
The Observant Life (Book)
May 18, 2023
Does Prohibited Speech Apply to the Internet?
As online communication becomes more complicated and sophisticated, so too do the laws governing defamatory speech.
The Observant Life (Book)
May 18, 2023
The Times of Day for Prayer
A Talmudic Midrash obligates prayer three times a day, instituted in honor of our three patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Rabbi Dr. Karen Reiss Medwed
The Observant Life (Book)
May 17, 2023
Every Day
Prayers and Practices of the Weekday Amidah
The Amidah is considered the central part of daily Jewish prayer, with minor variations in the text based on time of day, year and season.
Rabbi Dr. Karen Reiss Medwed
The Observant Life (Book)
May 16, 2023
Afternoon Prayers (Mincha)
The Interplay of Routine and Intention: Keva and Kavanah
Our prayers are almost always a mixture of both keva (oft-recited text) and kavanah (deeper layers of meaning).
Rabbi Dr. Karen Reiss Medwed
The Observant Life (Book)
May 16, 2023
Every Day
What Prompts Change in Our Liturgy?
Changes in liturgy are born out of changes in the theological and historical life of a people, both the individual and the community.
Rabbi Dr. Karen Reiss Medwed
The Observant Life (Book)
May 16, 2023
Every Day
Enhancing Prayer With Body Movement
Movement acts as part of prayer, orchestrated in traditional Jewish settings, thus putting us in touch with the ebb and flow of the liturgy.
Rabbi Dr. Karen Reiss Medwed
The Observant Life (Book)
May 16, 2023
Every Day
Jewish Prayer Leaders
An individual, Rabbi, Cantor, or volunteer, skilled in singing and well-versed in Torah learning and liturgy, is appointed to lead prayers.
Rabbi Dr. Karen Reiss Medwed
The Observant Life (Book)
May 16, 2023
Every Day
Creating a Sacred Physical Space
Halakhah demands that we invoke God’s name in prayer only in settings that are worthy of the sacred enterprise of prayer.
Rabbi Dr. Karen Reiss Medwed
The Observant Life (Book)
May 16, 2023
Every Day
Why Prayer Matters
Tefillah is more than the sum of its parts and encompasses far more than the obligation to recite certain specific daily prayers.
Rabbi Dr. Karen Reiss Medwed
The Observant Life (Book)
May 16, 2023
Every Day
The Language of Prayer
Jews are permitted to pray in any language and thus making our liturgy a link to Jews all around the world.
Rabbi Dr. Karen Reiss Medwed
The Observant Life (Book)
May 15, 2023
Every Day
The Value of Using Set Prayers
By the use of set prayers, are we ipso facto guaranteeing that some will be obliged to recite words they do not find true or ...
Rabbi Dr. Karen Reiss Medwed
The Observant Life (Book)
May 15, 2023
Every Day
Connecting with God Through Prayer
We hear from God through our participation in liturgical prayer, and also through the study of religious texts.
Rabbi Dr. Karen Reiss Medwed
The Observant Life (Book)
May 15, 2023
Every Day
What is the Shema?
The Shema is the declaration of God’s uniqueness and unity that the Torah commands us to recite twice daily.
Rabbi Dr. Karen Reiss Medwed
The Observant Life (Book)
May 15, 2023
Evening Service (Ma'ariv)
Every Day
Overview of the Evening Service
The Evening Service, called Ma’ariv (also called Arvit or spelled Maariv), is slightly longer than the Afternoon Service.
Rabbi Dr. Karen Reiss Medwed
The Observant Life (Book)
May 15, 2023
Evening Service (Ma'ariv)
Every Day
Overview of the Afternoon Service
The Afternoon Service, called Minḥah (or Mincha), is much shorter than the Morning Service and has no unique components.
Rabbi Dr. Karen Reiss Medwed
The Observant Life (Book)
May 15, 2023
Afternoon Prayers (Mincha)
Every Day
Overview of the Morning Service
Every day of the year, the Morning Service follows some variation of the order of the same Sharcharit prayers.
Rabbi Dr. Karen Reiss Medwed
The Observant Life (Book)
May 15, 2023
Every Day
Morning Service (Shacharit)
The First Prayers in the Morning Service
The prayers at the very beginning of the morning service help us to start our day with intention and gratitude.
Rabbi Dr. Karen Reiss Medwed
The Observant Life (Book)
May 11, 2023
Every Day
Morning Service (Shacharit)
What is a Kippah?
There is a wide range of specific customs related to the issue of covering the head, including what to cover it with.
Rabbi Dr. Karen Reiss Medwed
The Observant Life (Book)
May 11, 2023
Accessories for Prayer
Every Day
What is a Tallit?
The tassels of the Tallit, called tzitzit (or tzitzis) in Hebrew, are explicitly intended to serve as a reminder of God’s commandments.
Rabbi Dr. Karen Reiss Medwed
The Observant Life (Book)
May 11, 2023
Accessories for Prayer
Every Day
Fasting While Ill
It is considered forbidden to fast on fast days if injurious to one’s health, for the sake of performing positive commandments.
Rabbi Carl Astor
The Observant Life (Book)
May 10, 2023
Fasting on Tisha B'av
Jewish Viewpoints on Serious Illness
We give thanks to God every day for the gift of life, but recognize that we are mortal and that illness and death will come.
Rabbi Carl Astor
The Observant Life (Book)
May 10, 2023
Jewish Customs Showing Care for People who are Ill
Visiting the sick is counted as one of the mitzvot that is rewarded both in this world and also in the World to Come.
Rabbi Carl Astor
The Observant Life (Book)
May 10, 2023
Mourning Practices for the Loss of a Parent
The period of mourning for one’s parents is a full twelve months, and serves a deeply therapeutic function for the mourner.
Rabbi Carl Astor
The Observant Life (Book)
May 8, 2023
Death and Dying
When Death is Imminent
Judaism does not recognize any gray area between life and death. Whenever possible, a dying person should not be left alone.
Rabbi Carl Astor
The Observant Life (Book)
May 8, 2023
Confronting Death
Death and Dying
Yahrzeit: The Jewish Anniversary of Someone’s Death
Yahrzeit should be a day given over to remembering and honoring an individual for whom one once sat shivah and is learning to live without.
Rabbi Carl Astor
The Observant Life (Book)
May 8, 2023
Death and Dying
How is Kosher Slaughtering Performed?
To take even animal life, requires that the shochet be wholly attuned to the serious nature of the slaughter and never callous or uncaring.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
May 8, 2023
Every Day
Soaking and Salting Kosher Meat
After an animal has been butchered, inspected, and forbidden parts removed, the meat still needs to have as much blood removed as possible.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
May 8, 2023
Every Day
What is Yizkor?
Yizkor consists of a collection of readings and recitations revolving around two central prayers: Yizkor prayers, and the El Malei Rachamim.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
May 4, 2023
Death and Dying
Restrictions on Kashering Animals
Even if an animal is killed appropriately, it is still possible for it to be considered non-kosher if that the animal was ill or maimed.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
May 3, 2023
Every Day
Understanding Kosher Supervision
In general, one should only consume processed foods prepared under the supervision of a rabbi or an accepted kashrut supervision agency.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
May 1, 2023
Every Day
How Can I Create a Kosher Kitchen
While daunting and labour intensive to transform a non-kosher kitchen into a kosher one each individual step is rather straightforward.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
April 28, 2023
Every Day
Guidelines for a Kosher Kitchen
How to Kasher Kitchen Appliances
Offering guidelines on the various requirements to Kasher different kitchen appliances, both large and small.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
April 24, 2023
Every Day
Guidelines for a Kosher Kitchen
Tombstone Customs in Judaism
Tombstone customs in Judaism stem from the religious obligation to mark a grave. This is traditionally done with tombstones or stone markers.
Rabbi Carl Astor
The Observant Life (Book)
February 28, 2023
Death and Dying
What Does Jewish Law Say About Autopsies and Organ Donation?
The halakhah does not generally permit autopsies, due to honoring the dead. However, there are two important exceptions to that rule.
Rabbi Carl Astor
The Observant Life (Book)
February 28, 2023
Confronting Death
Death and Dying
Kohanim and Funerals
Kohanim were forbidden to come into contact or share indoor space with the bodies of the dead, apart from their closest of relatives.
Rabbi Carl Astor
The Observant Life (Book)
February 28, 2023
Death and Dying
Aninut: What Should Mourners Do Until Burial
The period from the time of death until burial is known as aninut - the customs of the mourners during the initial stages of bereavement. ...
Rabbi Carl Astor
The Observant Life (Book)
February 26, 2023
Death and Dying
How to Comfort Mourners During Shivah
What do I do when I go to a shivah? Remember that conversation should be about the deceased, not the mourners or the visitors.
Rabbi Carl Astor
The Observant Life (Book)
February 26, 2023
Death and Dying
Jewish Laws and Rituals for Funerals
What are the Jewish laws and rituals regarding funerals? Generally, a ritual washing, burial, and a funeral, each with their own customs.
Rabbi Carl Astor
The Observant Life (Book)
February 26, 2023
Death and Dying
What is Sheloshim?
Shloshim are the thirty days that follows the week of shivah and is considered a period of reduced mourning.
Rabbi Carl Astor
The Observant Life (Book)
February 26, 2023
Death and Dying
What is Shivah?
The word shivah refers to the seven days of mourning that follow the burial of a parent, child, sibling, or spouse.
Rabbi Carl Astor
The Observant Life (Book)
February 26, 2023
Death and Dying
Why Separating Meat and Dairy is Part of Keeping Kosher
Halakhah specifically encourages us to separate meat and dairy products and prohibits us from eating them together.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
February 22, 2023
Every Day
Guidelines for Keeping Kosher
Eating in Non-Kosher Homes
There are vexing questions for Kashrut observers to address, when eating in non-Kosher homes of friends and family.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
February 14, 2023
Every Day
What is Pareve Food?
Some foods, neither meat nor dairy in origin, are known as pareve and government standards may differ from Rabbinical definitions.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
February 14, 2023
Every Day
Eating in Non-Kosher Restaurants
A hallmark of Conservative Jewish practice has been the understanding that it is possible to eat in non-Kosher restaurants responsibly.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
February 14, 2023
Every Day
Embracing a Kosher Lifestyle
As kashrut becomes part of our lives, it feels less like a burden and more like something to observe not just at home, but in ...
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
February 14, 2023
Every Day
Which animals are kosher?
The Torah says which animals are kosher and may be eaten (after an appropriate process) and which animals are not.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
February 14, 2023
Every Day
Guidelines for Keeping Kosher
Why Keep Kosher?
Given the importance of kashrut in Jewish life, it is unfortunate that so much about it is so widely misunderstood.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
February 14, 2023
Every Day
Why Kosher Food Shouldn’t Have Visible Blood
The Torah requires specific methods of slaughter, inspection, and preparation before acceptable animals may be eaten.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
February 11, 2023
Every Day
Fixing Common Errors in a Kosher Kitchen
Mistakes will happen in a kosher kitchen. While some are easily corrected, others require a bit more effort. Here's what you do.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
February 8, 2023
Every Day
Guidelines for a Kosher Kitchen
How to Kasher Kitchen Dishes and Storage
Different dishes require different methods for kashering, depending how they are used and the materials that make up the dishes.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
February 8, 2023
Every Day
Guidelines for a Kosher Kitchen
Feeding Pets in a Kosher Home
It is not forbidden for Jewish individuals to feed their pets non-kosher food, but to keep pet food away from kosher utensils and dishes.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
February 8, 2023
Every Day
Guidelines for Keeping Kosher
Alcohol and Kosher Supervision
What alcohol requires a hechsher or kosher supervision? It largely depends on the process by which they are made and the ingredients used.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
February 8, 2023
Every Day
Are Food Additives Kosher?
The Conservative and Orthodox movements differ with regard to the kashrut of certain chemical food additives.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
February 7, 2023
Every Day
What are the Special Sabbaths Before Purim and Passover?
A series of special Shabbatot with special Torah readings precede Purim and Passover.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
February 5, 2023
Observing Purim
Celebrating Purim in Synagogue
Tradition dictates that Purim be observed on the fourteenth day of Adar, and begins with the recitation of the regular evening service.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
February 5, 2023
Observing Purim
Festivities, Food, and Mitzvot on Purim
Purim is celebrated with days of feasting and merrymaking, and occasion for sending gifts to one another and gifts for the poor.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
February 5, 2023
What is Purim and When is it Celebrated?
Purim is about the struggle of identity against assimilation, the value of tolerance, and to live proudly as Jews in an ocean of non-Jews.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
January 31, 2023
Customs for Hanukkah
Beyond lighting the menorah, Hanukkah customs include special foods, the dreidel and gift-giving, especially when spending time with family.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
December 6, 2022
Lulav and Etrog: The Four Species
Besides dwelling in a sukkah, the other significant mitzvah of Sukkot is the taking up of the arba·ah minim, literally “the four species.”
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 28, 2022
High Holidays
Sukkot at Home
While celebrating Sukkot at home, rituals include lighting candles, sitting in the sukkah, and customs related to the sukkah.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 28, 2022
High Holidays
Sukkot in the Synagogue
On the mornings of Sukkot, Shacharit and Musaf follow the standard festival format. The lulav and etrog should be shaken.
The Observant Life (Book)
Rabbi Alan Lucas
October 28, 2022
High Holidays
Intermediate Days of Sukkot
The intermediate days of Sukkot, the weekdays, combine some features of festival days and normal weekdays to create wholly unique day.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 28, 2022
High Holidays
Hoshana Rabbah
Although the fifth intermediate day of Sukkot is known as Hoshana Rabbah, it is technically just the last day of ḥol ha-mo·eid.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 28, 2022
High Holidays
What is Sh’mini Atzeret?
The final two days of Sukkot are a totally separate holiday called Sh'mini Atzeret. Liturgy includes Yizkor and the prayer for rain.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 28, 2022
Shemini Atzeret
What is Simhat Torah?
Simḥat Torah means “the joy of Torah” and is the name for the day on which the annual cycle of Torah readings begins and ends. ...
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 28, 2022
High Holidays
Sh’mini Atzeret Candle Lighting
The laws for lighting candles on Sh’mini Atzeret are similar to those for Shabbat. These laws also apply to Simḥat Torah.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 28, 2022
High Holidays
Rituals of Sukkot
Sukkot, one of the shalosh r’galim, the three pilgrimage festivals is celebrated five days after Yom Kippur.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 14, 2022
High Holidays
The Sukkah
The sukkah for Sukkot has some very basic requirements, but beyond these rules its construction is left to one’s imagination and creativity.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 13, 2022
Building a Sukkah
High Holidays
Sukkot Candle Lighting
The laws for lighting candles on Sukkot are almost identical to the laws for Shabbat candle lighting, with the exception of covering eyes.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 13, 2022
High Holidays
Ne’ilah is an additional service, recited only at the conclusion of Yom Kippur. It signifies the sealing of the Book of Life.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 4, 2022
High Holidays
Minḥah on Yom Kippur
Minhah, the Afternoon Service, begins with the Torah service, including selections from Leviticus and the haftarah on the Book of Jonah.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 4, 2022
High Holidays
Yom Kippur Musaf Service
The Yom Kippur Musaf Service includes two services: the Avodah service and the Martyrology service. Musaf follows Yizkor and Torah reading.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 4, 2022
High Holidays
Yom Kippur Candle Lighting
Following the Yom Kippur meal, candles are lit in a similar fashion to those lit on Rosh Hashanah. A Yizkor candle is also lit.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 3, 2022
High Holidays
Yom Kippur Evening Service
Maariv, the evening service, following Kol Nidrei on Erev Yom Kippur, is similar in many ways to daily Maariv but has notable differences.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 3, 2022
High Holidays
Yom Kippur Morning Services
The Yom Kippur morning service is similar to Rosh Hashanah, with the exception of the Amidah and the selections for the Torah service.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 3, 2022
High Holidays
Erev Yom Kippur and the Customs Preceding It
Preparations on Erev Yom Kippur are intrinsic to the awe-inspiring observance of the day: a special meal, candle lighting, and charity.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 3, 2022
High Holidays
Kol Nidrei and Being Imperfect Together
Yom Kippur begins with the dramatic Kol Nidrei service, intended to annul vows made between yourself and God.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 3, 2022
High Holidays