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Tag: Synagogue
5 Myths about Jewish Prayer
Prayer is one of the most common and misunderstood parts of Jewish life. Here are five myths about Jewish prayer.
Alex Friedman
February 13, 2025
Every Day
Help! I’m Bored During the Torah Service!
Take charge of your Jewish learning and the Torah service can become an opportunity to know and think Jewishly more today than yesterday.
Alex Friedman
February 13, 2025
Afternoon Prayers (Mincha)
Every Day
Finding Meaning in Communal Prayer Without Hebrew Fluency
Being in community, singing with heart, by listening to the prayers, or by intending to connect with G-d are ways to lift up our experience.
Joshua Klein
February 13, 2025
Every Day
Pesaj en la Sinagoga
Hay servicios vespertinos y matutinos en Pesaj, como en todos los festivales, con algunos cambios litúrgicos.
Masorti Olami
The Rabbi Reuven Hammer Institute for Masorti Jewish Learning
April 11, 2024
How to observe Passover
Pessah à la synagogue
Il y a des offices du soir et du matin à Pessah, comme pour toutes les fêtes, avec quelques changements liturgiques.
Masorti Olami
The Rabbi Reuven Hammer Institute for Masorti Jewish Learning
April 11, 2024
How to observe Passover
Confessions of a Fussy Kiddush Nosher
Though Kiddush in synagogue is a great for connecting with community, food options can be challenging and a limiting factor for picky eaters.
Rabbi Adam J. Rosenbaum
January 30, 2024
Women and Headcovering
In a written teshuvah, Rabbi Jane Kanarek explains the answer to the question, "Should women and girls wear a headcovering?"
Reena Bromberg Gaber
January 3, 2024
Tallit on the Bimah: Optional or Required?
This CJLS teshuva explores where and when a tallit should be worn on the bimah. This also addresses women wearing tallitot.
Reena Bromberg Gaber
January 3, 2024
Accessories for Prayer
Non-Fasting Sh”tz on Yom Kippur
When should we use a non-fasting sh"tz on Yom Kippur? This CJLS teshuvah, originally written by Rabbi Gail Labovitz, explains.
Reena Bromberg Gaber
September 28, 2023
When the Holidays Are Hard
Everyone celebrates Rosh Hashanah differently, but sometimes, the holidays are hard. What can we do when this is true?
Rabbi Lauren Tuchman
September 11, 2023
The Discomfort of Yom Kippur
As we discuss our traditions and requirements on Yom Kippur, we encounter discomforts that allow us to think about the past year.
Hazzan Sara Geffen Geller
September 7, 2023
High Holidays
The Times of Day for Prayer
A Talmudic Midrash obligates prayer three times a day, instituted in honor of our three patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Rabbi Dr. Karen Reiss Medwed
The Observant Life (Book)
May 17, 2023
Every Day
What Prompts Change in Our Liturgy?
Changes in liturgy are born out of changes in the theological and historical life of a people, both the individual and the community.
Rabbi Dr. Karen Reiss Medwed
The Observant Life (Book)
May 16, 2023
Every Day
Enhancing Prayer With Body Movement
Movement acts as part of prayer, orchestrated in traditional Jewish settings, thus putting us in touch with the ebb and flow of the liturgy.
Rabbi Dr. Karen Reiss Medwed
The Observant Life (Book)
May 16, 2023
Every Day
Jewish Prayer Leaders
An individual, Rabbi, Cantor, or volunteer, skilled in singing and well-versed in Torah learning and liturgy, is appointed to lead prayers.
Rabbi Dr. Karen Reiss Medwed
The Observant Life (Book)
May 16, 2023
Every Day
The Value of Using Set Prayers
By the use of set prayers, are we ipso facto guaranteeing that some will be obliged to recite words they do not find true or ...
Rabbi Dr. Karen Reiss Medwed
The Observant Life (Book)
May 15, 2023
Every Day
What is a Kippah?
There is a wide range of specific customs related to the issue of covering the head, including what to cover it with.
Rabbi Dr. Karen Reiss Medwed
The Observant Life (Book)
May 11, 2023
Accessories for Prayer
Every Day
What are the Special Sabbaths Before Purim and Passover?
A series of special Shabbatot with special Torah readings precede Purim and Passover.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
February 5, 2023
Observing Purim
Celebrating Purim in Synagogue
Tradition dictates that Purim be observed on the fourteenth day of Adar, and begins with the recitation of the regular evening service.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
February 5, 2023
Observing Purim
Sukkot in the Synagogue
On the mornings of Sukkot, Shacharit and Musaf follow the standard festival format. The lulav and etrog should be shaken.
The Observant Life (Book)
Rabbi Alan Lucas
October 28, 2022
High Holidays
Intermediate Days of Sukkot
The intermediate days of Sukkot, the weekdays, combine some features of festival days and normal weekdays to create wholly unique day.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 28, 2022
High Holidays
Hoshana Rabbah
Although the fifth intermediate day of Sukkot is known as Hoshana Rabbah, it is technically just the last day of ḥol ha-mo·eid.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 28, 2022
High Holidays
What is Simhat Torah?
Simḥat Torah means “the joy of Torah” and is the name for the day on which the annual cycle of Torah readings begins and ends. ...
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 28, 2022
High Holidays
Minḥah on Yom Kippur
Minhah, the Afternoon Service, begins with the Torah service, including selections from Leviticus and the haftarah on the Book of Jonah.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 4, 2022
High Holidays
Yom Kippur Musaf Service
The Yom Kippur Musaf Service includes two services: the Avodah service and the Martyrology service. Musaf follows Yizkor and Torah reading.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 4, 2022
High Holidays
Yom Kippur Evening Service
Maariv, the evening service, following Kol Nidrei on Erev Yom Kippur, is similar in many ways to daily Maariv but has notable differences.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 3, 2022
High Holidays
Yom Kippur Morning Services
The Yom Kippur morning service is similar to Rosh Hashanah, with the exception of the Amidah and the selections for the Torah service.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 3, 2022
High Holidays
Kol Nidrei and Being Imperfect Together
Yom Kippur begins with the dramatic Kol Nidrei service, intended to annul vows made between yourself and God.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 3, 2022
High Holidays
Yom Kippur Yizkor Service
The Memorial Service, Yizkor, is recited on Yom Kippur, one of four times throughout the year, to remember loved ones and Jewish martyrs.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 3, 2022
High Holidays
Dress to Impress Yourself…Into the Book of Life
Sara Beth Berman teaches us: Everything you need to know about clothing the body that holds your precious soul for the High Holidays.
Sara Beth Berman (she/her)
September 19, 2022
High Holidays
Rosh Hashanah Musaf Service
The Musaf Service for Rosh Hashanah contains familiar opening and closing blessings of the Amidah with the usual High Holiday interpolations.
The Observant Life (Book)
Rabbi Alan Lucas
September 16, 2022
High Holidays
The Shofar on Rosh Hashanah
Sounding of the shofar is a characteristic mitzvah of Rosh Hashanah. The holiday is alternatively called the Day of Sounding the Shofar.
The Observant Life (Book)
Rabbi Alan Lucas
September 16, 2022
High Holidays
Rosh Hashanah Torah Reading
Rosh Hashanah Torah reading includes Abraham, Sarah, and the Binding of Isaac. Haftarot tell the story of Samuel and other relevant themes.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
September 16, 2022
High Holidays
Rosh Hashanah Synagogue Services
For most people, Rosh Hashanah means a lot of time spent praying in the synagogue. These are the complex explanations behind those prayers.
The Observant Life (Book)
Rabbi Alan Lucas
September 16, 2022
High Holidays
Customs before Rosh Hashanah
There are customs in order to prepare for Rosh Hashanah, including Selichot, physical changes in the synagogue, and immersing in the mikveh.
The Observant Life (Book)
Rabbi Alan Lucas
August 30, 2022
High Holidays
What is Tishah Be’av and how is it observed?
Tishah Be’av is the saddest day of the Jewish year. We fast, read the Book of Lamentations, and reflect on history.
The Observant Life (Book)
Rabbi Alan Lucas
June 20, 2022
Tisha B’Av
Shabbat Morning Services: What to Expect
We thank God, spend time in community, sing heartily, read holy texts, and revel in rest. What can I expect at a Shabbat morning service?
Rabbi Sydni Adler Rubinstein
June 16, 2022
Prayer in Synagogue
Why You Should Host a Pride Shabbat
Aimee Close shares her story of becoming a synagogue member and the power and importance of Pride Shabbat and being welcoming.
Aimee Close
June 7, 2022
What are the Shavuot Torah Readings About?
Rabbi Mitch Berkowitz explains the meaning of the Torah passages that we read on Shavuot and the connection to revelation and the harvest.
Rabbi Mitchell H. Berkowitz
June 3, 2022
Observing Shavuot
The Shabbat Afternoon Service
The Minhah Service on Saturday Shabbat afternoon contains a number of significant additions to the weekday Afternoon Service.
The Observant Life (Book)
Rabbi Michael Katz
May 16, 2022
Prayer in Synagogue
The Saturday Morning Shabbat Service
How is the Saturday morning Shabbat service constructed? What prayers are included? Check out our overview on Shabbat morning services.
The Observant Life (Book)
Rabbi Michael Katz
May 16, 2022
Shabbat Day
Havdalah: An Overview
Havdalah, the concluding ceremony for Shabbat, serves as a dramatic reminder of the beauty and emotional power of Judaism.
The Observant Life (Book)
Rabbi Michael Katz
April 26, 2022
Home and Synagogue Shavuot Observances
Candle-lighting, Torah readings, the Book of Ruth, and Yizkor are all a part of celebrating Shavuot at home and at synagogue.
The Observant Life (Book)
Rabbi Alan Lucas
April 25, 2022
Observing Shavuot
Friday Night Services at Synagogue: An Explainer
Friday night services on Shabbat include both Kabbalat Shabbat, a joyous recitation of psalms, and a Shabbat Maariv, the evening service.
Rabbi Michael Katz
The Observant Life (Book)
April 20, 2022
Erev Shabbat
The Concluding Days of Passover
What do we do in synagogue on Passover? What Torah readings and haftarot do we read? We outline that for you here.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
April 13, 2022
How to observe Passover
Passover Torah Readings: An Explainer
Though Pesach is thought of as the quintessential home-based holiday, the Torah is read on each of the mornings of Pesach in the synagogue.
Rabbi Lauren Tuchman
April 13, 2022
Intermediate Days of Passover
Passover in the Synagogue
What do we do in synagogue on Passover? What Torah readings and haftarot do we read? We outline that for you here.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
April 13, 2022
How to observe Passover