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Tag: Spirituality
What is Jewish Mindfulness and How do I Get Started?
Learn more about what Jewish mindfulness is and answer the question "How do I get started?" There's many ways to practice—here are a few.
Rabbi Lauren Tuchman
March 7, 2025
Every Day
Reading Psalms in Difficult Times
If you've never been in the practice of reciting Psalms, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Here's how to adopt the practice. ...
Rabbi Lauren Tuchman
March 7, 2025
Every Day
Personal Prayer
Balancing Torah Study and Worldly Engagement: Can it work?
You can find a harmonious existence where Torah study enriches your engagement with the world and the world inspires your spiritual growth.
Rabbi Jeremy Markiz
Tsvia Weisberger
February 13, 2025
5 Myths about Jewish Prayer
Prayer is one of the most common and misunderstood parts of Jewish life. Here are five myths about Jewish prayer.
Alex Friedman
February 13, 2025
Every Day
Balancing Work and Faith: The Dilemma of Modern Jewish Life
Through thoughtful choices, self-reflection, and a commitment to growth, we can balance our professional obligations and spiritual practices.
Boaz Davidoff
February 13, 2025
How Living for Shabbat Transformed My Whole Week
Looking at "To Life" from "Fiddler on the Roof," shows us how living for Shabbat can transform your whole week.
Cody Fitzpatrick
January 29, 2025
Daily Living
Every Day
Balance Espiritual y Arrepentimiento
Fasting, praying, and ancient rituals invite and inspire us to begin Ḥeshbon Hanefesh and perform sincere Teshuvah.
Rabbina Judy Nowominski
September 20, 2024
High Holidays
Spiritual Balance and Teshuvah
Fasting, praying, and ancient rituals invite and inspire us to begin Ḥeshbon Hanefesh and perform sincere Teshuvah.
Rabbina Judy Nowominski
Rabbi Leandro Galanternik
September 20, 2024
High Holidays
Jerusalem: Our Singularly Plural Capital
What is the significance of Jerusalem, our singularly plural capital, as our capital city? What makes it so important?
Rabbi Dr. J.B. Sacks
June 27, 2024
Yom Yerushalayim
Marriage As Mitzvah
Jews see marriage as mitzvah based on biblical and rabbinic texts. Marriage is seen as important for spirituality and closeness with God.
Rabbi Carl Astor
The Observant Life (Book)
June 26, 2024
Mourning a Miscarriage
While there are no specific rituals for mourning a miscarriage, there are practices and rituals to use in that time that can help healing.
Rabbi Miriam C. Berkowitz
June 19, 2024
Death and Dying
Temple Envy
This an exploration of my "temple envy" through the emotions of grief, wonder, and desire for Jewish unity during a recent vacation to Nikko.
Rabbi Alex Hamilton
May 22, 2024
Every Day
Exploring Judaism’s Omer Playlist
Exploring Judaism's Omer playlist is meant to accompany you throughout the seven weeks leading up to Shavuot: Bring a bit more music to life!
Exploring Judaism
April 8, 2024
Why I Love Tefillin
Rabbi Lauren Tuchman writes "Why I Love Tefillin" and explores how all people can wear tefillin, based on her own experience.
Rabbi Lauren Tuchman
February 6, 2024
Accessories for Prayer
Every Day
How to Write a D’var Torah
There are many ways to write a d'var Torah. Read how this rabbi thinks about giving divrei Torah and what she thinks about while writing.
Rabbi Sydni Adler Rubinstein
December 26, 2023
Every Day
A Conservative Jew in Jerusalem
What is it like being a Conservative Jew in Jerusalem and how do we understand the holiness of the holiest place in the world?
Emily Jaeger
December 26, 2023
Conservative Judaism
This is the Bread of Affliction
This is the bread of affliction: Matzah adorns our Seder plates and nourishes our souls, as well—this food is fulfilling.
Rabbi Mark Asher Goodman
December 26, 2023
When the Holidays Are Hard
Everyone celebrates Rosh Hashanah differently, but sometimes, the holidays are hard. What can we do when this is true?
Rabbi Lauren Tuchman
September 11, 2023
5 Kavanot for Elul
Here are 5 kavanot, intentions, for the days and weeks of Elul, approaching the Holy Days. This includes poems, books, and self-reflection.
Rabbi Ilana C. Garber
Adam Berkowitz
August 17, 2023
High Holidays
What Am I Afraid Of?
As we continue the work of Elul, examining the words of Psalm 27 can teach us about going beyond the inner voices and what we ...
Rabbi Dr. J.B. Sacks
August 17, 2023
High Holidays
Deja Jew, or, Asking the Question Yet Again: Why Be Jewish?
Dig deeper into Jewish identity, memory, spirituality, and wisdom, exploring more into the question: "Why Be Jewish?"
Rabbi Dr. Bradley Shavit Artson
August 13, 2023
Daily Living
Embodied Prayer
Celebrating the High Holy Days From Home
Celebrating the high holy days from home gives us ample opportunity to bring the sacred even further into our lives.
Rabbi Sydni Adler Rubinstein
August 13, 2023
High Holidays
The Interplay of Routine and Intention: Keva and Kavanah
Our prayers are almost always a mixture of both keva (oft-recited text) and kavanah (deeper layers of meaning).
Rabbi Dr. Karen Reiss Medwed
The Observant Life (Book)
May 16, 2023
Every Day
Tefillin: A Reminder of What is Holy
Rabbi Julie Schwarzwald on wearing Tefillin: As I go about my work and my mundane routine, I am regularly reminded of what is holy.
Rabbi Julie Schwarzwald
January 25, 2023
Accessories for Prayer
Every Day
Blessings and Bodies: Praying Without the Book
Jewish spirituality doesn’t live in a book. Our bodies can guide our awareness and blessing. What could this practice look like in your life?
Rabbi Susan Leider
January 5, 2023
Daily Living
Songs for Hanukkah
Hanukkah songs include those that follow candle lighting, as well as S'vivon sov sov sov, Hanukkah O'Hanukkah, and Neir Li.
Reena Bromberg Gaber
December 6, 2022
What does it take to feel Jewish?
Collecting experiences helps us feel like we belong. By doing ‘Jewish,’ we create meaningful Jewish lives where spirituality feels less contrived.
Rabbi Susan Leider
November 16, 2022
Jewish Identity
Lulav and Etrog: The Four Species
Besides dwelling in a sukkah, the other significant mitzvah of Sukkot is the taking up of the arba·ah minim, literally “the four species.”
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 28, 2022
High Holidays
Sukkot at Home
While celebrating Sukkot at home, rituals include lighting candles, sitting in the sukkah, and customs related to the sukkah.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 28, 2022
High Holidays
What is Simhat Torah?
Simḥat Torah means “the joy of Torah” and is the name for the day on which the annual cycle of Torah readings begins and ends. ...
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 28, 2022
High Holidays
Rituals of Sukkot
Sukkot, one of the shalosh r’galim, the three pilgrimage festivals is celebrated five days after Yom Kippur.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 14, 2022
High Holidays
Sukkot Candle Lighting
The laws for lighting candles on Sukkot are almost identical to the laws for Shabbat candle lighting, with the exception of covering eyes.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 13, 2022
High Holidays
Yom Kippur Candle Lighting
Following the Yom Kippur meal, candles are lit in a similar fashion to those lit on Rosh Hashanah. A Yizkor candle is also lit.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 3, 2022
High Holidays
Yom Kippur Evening Service
Maariv, the evening service, following Kol Nidrei on Erev Yom Kippur, is similar in many ways to daily Maariv but has notable differences.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 3, 2022
High Holidays
Yom Kippur Morning Services
The Yom Kippur morning service is similar to Rosh Hashanah, with the exception of the Amidah and the selections for the Torah service.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 3, 2022
High Holidays
Yom Kippur Yizkor Service
The Memorial Service, Yizkor, is recited on Yom Kippur, one of four times throughout the year, to remember loved ones and Jewish martyrs.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 3, 2022
High Holidays
What to Read to Prepare for the High Holidays this Year
Rabbi Mordechai Rackover recommends these reads to help you prepare for the themes, liturgy, and spirit of the High Holidays.
Rabbi Mordechai Rackover
September 16, 2022
High Holidays
Rosh Hashanah Musaf Service
The Musaf Service for Rosh Hashanah contains familiar opening and closing blessings of the Amidah with the usual High Holiday interpolations.
The Observant Life (Book)
Rabbi Alan Lucas
September 16, 2022
High Holidays
The Shofar on Rosh Hashanah
Sounding of the shofar is a characteristic mitzvah of Rosh Hashanah. The holiday is alternatively called the Day of Sounding the Shofar.
The Observant Life (Book)
Rabbi Alan Lucas
September 16, 2022
High Holidays
Elul’s Shofar: A Poem
Elul's shofar blasts daily remind us of all we need to do to prepare spiritually for the upcoming holidays and the start of the new ...
Rabbi Suzanne Brody
September 1, 2022
High Holidays
Havdalah Solo: My (Slightly Awkward) Spiritual Self-Care
My Havdalah candle, wine, spices, and I did my own Havdalah ceremony all alone in my backyard. It was my own form of spiritual self-care.
Marion Haberman
April 27, 2022
Spiritually Cleaning the Hametz Within Our Souls
With all of this physically taxing work, it can be easy to miss the spiritual preparation for this celebration of our collective redemption.
Rabbi Nolan Lebovitz
March 31, 2022
Preparing for Passover