Tag: Self-Reflection

The Seder as a Lived Experience

The Seder as a Lived Experience

We use the Seder as a lived experience by reenacting the exodus, not just recounting it. Therefore, we can all connect to Passover.
5 Kavanot for Elul

5 Kavanot for Elul

Here are 5 kavanot, intentions, for the days and weeks of Elul, approaching the Holy Days. This includes poems, books, and self-reflection.
What Am I Afraid Of?

What Am I Afraid Of?

As we continue the work of Elul, examining the words of Psalm 27 can teach us about going beyond the inner voices and what we ...

Purim: Embracing the Unconventional

Purim celebrates unexpected heroes as role models. Those heroes, Esther and Mordechai encourage us to be our full selves.
Why Do We Ask for Forgiveness in Elul?

Why Do We Ask for Forgiveness in Elul?

Asking for forgiveness not only cultivates empathy and humility, but it provides an opportunity for renewal.
The Days Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

The Days Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

The days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are known as the Ten Days of Repentance and include the Fast of Gedaliah.
How do I observe Selichot?

How do I observe Selichot?

It is said that Selichot opens the gates of heaven for the High Holy Days. This Selichot, do what opens your heart to the gates ...

Living With No Regrets

While introspection is healthy, too much regret can discourage us from embracing our unchangeable past and our openness to future choices.
aT'fillah/Prayer: A Mitzvah to Take a "Time Out"

T’fillah/Prayer: A Mitzvah to Take a “Time Out”

T'fillah, Jewish prayer, is rooted in self-judgment, reflection, and connecting to something greater than ourselves.