Tag: Moses

Why Couldn't Moses Enter the Promised Land?

Why Couldn’t Moses Enter the Promised Land?

Current events help us understand why Moses couldn't enter the Promised Land and remind us the importance of innocent lives.
Charlton Heston Speaking

Charlton Heston Speaking

We can learn about leadership from Moses, as well as from Charlton Heston speaking, as he plays Moses in the Ten Commandments movie.
Parashat Tazria Haftarah: Finding a Prince Charming

Finding a Prince Charming

This week's haftarah, from the book of Ezekiel, discusses the changing power structures and leadership in the changing times of Israel.
Parashat Ki Tissa Haftarah: Hopping Between Two Branches

Hopping Between Two Branches

This week's Haftarah parallels the parashah's discussion on God. The Israelites face more attractive gods but return to God, in the end.
The Baby in the Brick

The Baby in the Brick

Our parashah describes a puzzling episode, following the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai when elders of Israel envision God.
Parashat Bo Study Guide: Time and the Teller

Study Guide: What Does Telling Time Tell Us About the Teller?

When Moses names a time for the final plague, the death of the first born, he isn't as specific as we might expect, why?
Restarting Time

Restarting Time

This week's parashah opens a conversation about when the beginning of the year is and the impact that it has on time itself.
The Pizza Toast

The Pizza Toast

Vaera opens with God reiterating the covenant made with Moshe's ancestors. What's the connection between this parshah and pizza toast?
Bridegroom of Blood

Bridegroom of Blood

Shemot describes the early years of Moshe’s life up to the pivotal moment when he is informed of his mission awaiting him in Egypt.
Parashat Vaera Study Guide: 1-0 in Favor of Pharoah

Study Guide: 1-0 in Favor of Pharoah

In this week's parashah, Moshe is accused of “giving Pharaoh a sword to kill us,” in response to his demands of "let my people go."
image of mount sinai at sunset with the words: Questions of Revelation: A Poem

Questions of Revelation: A Poem

Rabbi Suzanne Brody shares her poem that embraces a variety of midrashim about what happened at Sinai when we received the Torah.
close up image of gas stove with the words Leveraging Anger for Change this Passover

Leveraging Anger for Change this Passover

While anger and frustration can lead to stress and dissatisfaction, mindful approaches to our anger can move our lives out of complacency.