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Tag: kashrut
Purim Rulings: Mythical, Magical, and Mitzvot
Silly halakhah questions answered! What do vampires eat? Can you deliver mishloah manot by Uber? Can you use your child as a grogger?
Exploring Judaism
March 4, 2025
La cacherout de Pessah
Toutes les règles habituelles de cacherout s’appliquent à Pessah, auxquelles s’ajoutent une exigence supplémentaire : l’interdiction de hamets dans une maison juive.
Masorti Olami
The Rabbi Reuven Hammer Institute for Masorti Jewish Learning
April 11, 2024
Guidelines for a Kosher Kitchen
Kashrut en Pesaj
Todas las leyes normales de kashrut se aplican en Pesaj con un requisito adicional: la prohibición de jametz en un hogar judío.
Masorti Olami
The Rabbi Reuven Hammer Institute for Masorti Jewish Learning
April 11, 2024
Guidelines for a Kosher Kitchen
Pesah and Continued Kashrut Slavery: A Conceptual Reflection
A conceptual reflection of Pesah and Kashrut can bring more meaning to how we follow the halakhah of food on Pesah.
Rabbi Aaron Alexander
March 12, 2024
The Weird and Wacky World of Kosher for Passover
The weird and wacky world of keeping Kosher for Passover is confusing and overwhelming, especially when you're new to it. Start here!
Rabbi Sydni Adler Rubinstein
December 26, 2023
How to observe Passover
How is Kosher Slaughtering Performed?
To take even animal life, requires that the shochet be wholly attuned to the serious nature of the slaughter and never callous or uncaring.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
May 8, 2023
Every Day
Soaking and Salting Kosher Meat
After an animal has been butchered, inspected, and forbidden parts removed, the meat still needs to have as much blood removed as possible.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
May 8, 2023
Every Day
Restrictions on Kashering Animals
Even if an animal is killed appropriately, it is still possible for it to be considered non-kosher if that the animal was ill or maimed.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
May 3, 2023
Every Day
Understanding Kosher Supervision
In general, one should only consume processed foods prepared under the supervision of a rabbi or an accepted kashrut supervision agency.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
May 1, 2023
Every Day
How Can I Create a Kosher Kitchen
While daunting and labour intensive to transform a non-kosher kitchen into a kosher one each individual step is rather straightforward.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
April 28, 2023
Every Day
Guidelines for a Kosher Kitchen
How to Kasher Kitchen Appliances
Offering guidelines on the various requirements to Kasher different kitchen appliances, both large and small.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
April 24, 2023
Every Day
Guidelines for a Kosher Kitchen
Eating in Non-Kosher Homes
There are vexing questions for Kashrut observers to address, when eating in non-Kosher homes of friends and family.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
February 14, 2023
Every Day
What is Pareve Food?
Some foods, neither meat nor dairy in origin, are known as pareve and government standards may differ from Rabbinical definitions.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
February 14, 2023
Every Day
Eating in Non-Kosher Restaurants
A hallmark of Conservative Jewish practice has been the understanding that it is possible to eat in non-Kosher restaurants responsibly.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
February 14, 2023
Every Day
Embracing a Kosher Lifestyle
As kashrut becomes part of our lives, it feels less like a burden and more like something to observe not just at home, but in ...
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
February 14, 2023
Every Day
Which animals are kosher?
The Torah says which animals are kosher and may be eaten (after an appropriate process) and which animals are not.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
February 14, 2023
Every Day
Guidelines for Keeping Kosher
Why Keep Kosher?
Given the importance of kashrut in Jewish life, it is unfortunate that so much about it is so widely misunderstood.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
February 14, 2023
Every Day
Fixing Common Errors in a Kosher Kitchen
Mistakes will happen in a kosher kitchen. While some are easily corrected, others require a bit more effort. Here's what you do.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
February 8, 2023
Every Day
Guidelines for a Kosher Kitchen
How to Kasher Kitchen Dishes and Storage
Different dishes require different methods for kashering, depending how they are used and the materials that make up the dishes.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
February 8, 2023
Every Day
Guidelines for a Kosher Kitchen
Feeding Pets in a Kosher Home
It is not forbidden for Jewish individuals to feed their pets non-kosher food, but to keep pet food away from kosher utensils and dishes.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
February 8, 2023
Every Day
Guidelines for Keeping Kosher
Alcohol and Kosher Supervision
What alcohol requires a hechsher or kosher supervision? It largely depends on the process by which they are made and the ingredients used.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
February 8, 2023
Every Day
Are Food Additives Kosher?
The Conservative and Orthodox movements differ with regard to the kashrut of certain chemical food additives.
Rabbi Paul S. Drazen z"l
The Observant Life (Book)
February 7, 2023
Every Day
Kol Nidrei and Being Imperfect Together
Yom Kippur begins with the dramatic Kol Nidrei service, intended to annul vows made between yourself and God.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
October 3, 2022
High Holidays
What are Kitniyot and when can I eat it?
In the early medieval period, it became customary for Ashkenazi Jews to not eat a category of foods called kitniyot. What are they?
Exploring Judaism
March 31, 2022
What is an Eiruv Tavshilin?
One is only permitted to cook on festivals to make food for the holiday itself, not for other days. There is an exception: eiruv tavshilin.
Rabbi Alan Lucas
The Observant Life (Book)
March 22, 2022
How to Kasher Your Kitchen: A Simplified Guide
This is a simplified guide on how to kasher (make kosher) various items in your kitchen, especially for Passover.
Rabbi Jeremy Markiz
March 17, 2022
Guidelines for a Kosher Kitchen