Tag: Esau

The Price of Exhaustion: Lessons from Jacob and Esau

The Price of Exhaustion: Lessons from Jacob and Esau

In a world that celebrates exhaustion, we can look to Jacob and Esau for a deeper lesson: we have to value what truly matters.
Gathering Stones: How to be a Morah Derekh

Gathering Stones: How to be a Morah Derekh

Stones represent the memories and wisdom gathered from living our lives. Each affirms that moment and its worthiness of being remembered.
Haftarah for Va-yishlach

Haftarah for Va-yishlach

The haftarah connects to the parashah through Jacob and Esau in the early biblical period, and Israel and Edom in the later period.
Haftarah for Tol'dot

Haftarah for Tol’dot

The haftarah and parashah connect as Malachi highlights God’s love for Jacob and rejection of Esau, the ancestors of Israel and Edom.
The Rabbis' Boogeyman: Learning About Forgiveness

The Rabbis’ Boogeyman: Learning About Forgiveness

What can we learn about forgiveness from the Rabbis' boogeyman? Esau is that boogeyman but we can learn from his relationship with Jacob.

How do you Solve a Problem Like Esav?

Rabbi Mordechai Rackover teaches: Life is not a zero-sum and one of the keys is to recognize that people grow and change.