Tag: Deuteronomy

Parashat V'zot Habrachah Haftarah: The Faceless Nemesis

The Faceless Nemesis

Having just experienced the most intimate time of the year, reflecting on our actions, we celebrate Sukkot and see a faceless nemesis.
Parashat V'zot Habrachah Study Guide: Who Is Writing Moses' Death?

Study Guide: Who Is Writing Moses’ Death?

In the study guide for V'zot Habracha, Vered Hollander-Goldfarb explores who is writing Moses' death and what we can learn.
Swaddled By God

Swaddled By God

On the festival of Sukkot, we are commanded to dwell in temporary huts so as to remember the Israelites swaddled by God.
Parashat Haazinu Haftarah: From Moses to David

From Moses to David

As we approach the end of the Torah cycle, we juxtapose two of our leading men—Moses from the Torah portion and King David from the ...
Parashat Haazinu Study Guide: The Pangs of Transition

Study Guide: The Pangs of Transition

As Moshe embarks on his final speech to the Israelites, the nation readies itself for the transition of leadership from Moshe to Joshua.
Bright Wings

Bright Wings

Parashat Haazinu is the poem that Moshe sings to the people of Israel before he delivers his deathbed blessing, discussing bright wings.
Parashat Vayelech Study Guide: Staying In Touch

Study Guide: Staying in Touch

The study guide for Parashat Vayelech explores the shemitah that comes every seven years, especially discussing the connection to Sukkot.
The Prairie and the Wilderness

The Prairie and the Wilderness

This week we read about Moshe writing down the Torah, comparing that to Little House on the Prairie—the prairie and the wilderness.
Parashat Nitzavim Haftarah: The Big Bad Wolf

The Big Bad Wolf

Our haftarah, is the final of the seven haftarot of consolation. Humans question God, just as Red Riding Hood questions the Big Bad Wolf.
Parashat Nitzavim Study Guide: Cutting A Covenant

Study Guide: Cutting A Covenant

The study guide for this week's parashah explores the physical acts of making a covenant, with commentary from Bechor Shor and Hizkuni.
Beyond the Sea

Beyond the Sea

Parashat Nitzavim, which we read just before Rosh Hashanah, speaks of the importance of repenting and returning to God after we have sinned.
Parashat Ki Tavo Haftarah: Got Milk?

Got Milk?

During the seven haftarot of consolation, we return to the idea of Jerusalem reuniting with her children, once again able to care for them.
Parashat Ki Tavo Study Guide: This Land Is Our Land?

Study Guide: This Land Is Our Land?

This week's parashah focuses on an excerpt of the text that discusses the ownership of the land of Israel before the Israelite's cross over.

Secret Sins

Moshe charges the people to renew the terms of their covenant with God before entering the land, necessary for sins committed in secret.
Parashat Ki Teitzei Haftarah: Broken Trust

Broken Trust

This week’s haftarah, the fifth of the seven readings of consolation between Tisha B’Av and Rosh HaShana, talks about broken trust.
Parashat Ki Teitzei Study Guide: Good Person, Beware of Yourself

Study Guide: Good Person, Beware of Yourself

This week's study guide looks at a passage from the parashah about what the Israelite camp should be like in the wilderness.
Parents on the Same Page

Parents on the Same Page

Family dynamics, and parents on the same page, are alluded to in the many commandments discussed in this week’s parashah.
Parashat Shoftim Haftarah: Like Grass

Like Grass

We define ourselves by our covenant, by the terms of our relationship with God. It goes in cycles like grass—growing, dying, growing again.
Parashat Shoftim Study Guide: Go Home!

Study Guide: Go Home!

This week's study guide looks at the preparations made before going to war and the considerations that must be taken into account.
No Going Back

No Going Back

This parashah deals with the administration of justice in the land of Israel and the connection between no going back to Egypt.
Parashat Re'eh Haftarah: Birth Before Labor

Birth Before Labor

In looking at this week's haftarah, explore the concept of birth before labor, as demonstrated by the concept of labor pains in our stories.
Parashat Re'eh Study Guide: To Lend or To Give?

Study Guide: To Lend or To Give?

The study guide for Parashat Re'eh looks at the relationship between the shmitah year, debts, loans, and tzedakah.
The Long and Short of It

The Long and Short of It

The Dvar Torah for Parashat Re'eh explores choosing between two paths, the long and the short of it, when the choices are presented.
Parashat Eikev Haftarah: Birthing Israel

Birthing Israel

This week's haftarah compares the birthing of Israel in the generations recorded in the Torah with similar experiences in the haftarah.
Parashat Eikev Study Guide: Food or Famine? Up to Us?

Study Guide: Food or Famine? Up to Us?

The study guide for parashat Eikev explores the Shema and the mitzvot mandated by the sacred prayer, such as mezuzot and tefillin.
A Conduit of Blessing

A Conduit of Blessing

In this parashah, Moshe prepares the people for their entry into Israel, extolling the conduit of blessing that they are about to conquer.
Parashat Va'etchanan Haftarah: Alone or Lonely?

Alone or Lonely?

This Shabbat is Shabbat Nachamu, the Shabbat of Comforting, so we explore if what it means to be alone or lonely.
Parashat Va'etchanan Study Guide: Danger of Complacency

Study Guide: Danger of Complacency

This week's study guide explores the danger of complacency in relation to our parashah, using commentary by Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch.
Moshe the Mother

Moshe the Mother

In this week’s parashah, we see a depiction of Moshe the Mother as he pleas with God to enter the land of Israel with the ...

Study Guide: Ejection Born from Rejection

The study guide for parashat Devarim looks at the story of the twelve spies, in the books of Devarim and Numbers, and connects a midrash.
Moshe's Memoir

Moshe’s Memoir

Deuteronomy presents an interesting paradox to the literary reader of the Bible in the form of Moshe's memoir.
Simḥat Torah

What is Simhat Torah?

Simḥat Torah means “the joy of Torah” and is the name for the day on which the annual cycle of Torah readings begins and ends. ...