Tag: Creation

Parashah Summary: Bereshit

Take a look at the summary for Parashah Bereshit, including aliyah-by-aliyah summaries for and a haftarah summary.
How to Light Shabbat Candles: A Beginner’s Guide

How to Light Shabbat Candles: A Beginner’s Guide

Lighting Shabbat candles is one of our most beautiful traditions. Go grab your candles, here's how to light Shabbat candles step by step. 
Haftarah for B'reishit

Haftarah for B’reishit

The theme of creation links the haftarah to the theologies of Creation in the Bible. The prophet expresses the continuity of divine action.

Caring For Creation Prayer

A short prayer, inspired by and quoting the Prophet Isaiah, connecting us to nature, the environment, and all of creation.
We Have a Responsibility to the Earth

We Have a Responsibility to the Earth

Some interpret Creation as an allowance to plunder the Earth. However, that is a misconception; we have a responsibility to the Earth.
What Are Zmanim and Why Are They Important?

What Are Zmanim and Why Are They Important?

Learning what Zmanim are and why they are important can bring a new meaning to ritual practices and the routine of our days.
Simḥat Torah

What is Simhat Torah?

Simḥat Torah means “the joy of Torah” and is the name for the day on which the annual cycle of Torah readings begins and ends. ...
Friday Night Kiddush: The Deeper Meaning

Friday Night Kiddush: The Deeper Meaning

Rabbi Dina Shargel teaches that the Friday night Kiddush sets a mood to welcome Shabbat by connecting it to Creation and to the Exodus.