Every year, the Rabbinical Assembly publishes a Pesah Kashrut Guide to help us with the many steps for preparing for Passover. You can find 5785’s guide here.
However, you might find yourself with some additional questions!
Rabbi Aaron Alexander, currently serving as the Chair of the Kashrut Subcommittee on the CJLS, has been answering more specific questions that might arise. Below, you can find a list of the questions and his answers within broad categories.
His decisions are based on the RA Pesah Guide linked above and his reflection on Kashrut and Passover halakhah can be found here.
If you have a question, we recommend first checking down below if it has already been answered.
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If your question has not been answered, you can fill out this form and we will do our best to answer your question in a timely fashion. If you need a more immediate answer, we recommend reaching out to your local rabbi.
The questions we’re answering here are questions about specific food items and their heksher and the status and kashering of utensils.
Table of Contents
Kashering Objects and Utensils
Q: Enameled Steel Sinks are stainless steel sinks covered with an enamel coating, which has been fired at a high temperature. Can I kasher it for Pesach?
A: Yes, hagalah–after washing well with a strong soap and giving 24 hours before pouring the boiling water over—this is sufficient. Some poskim advocate for hagalah 3 times (kind of like earthenware for those who permit that), but that’s only if you are feeling uncomfortable with the 1 pour.
Q: Must countertops be kashered (cleaned, left for 24 hours, boiling water), or just cleaned thoroughly?
A: Clean thoroughly, let them sit for 24 hours without putting any hot food on them. Throwing some boiling water over doesn’t hurt (always good to do if possible), but unless you plan on cooking food directly on the counter, the cleanse and 24-hour wait is sufficient.
Q: How do I kasher a Le Creuset dutch oven (with an enamel coating inside) for Pesach?
A: Clean it. Extremely well. As if it is new. No foodstuff at all. Let it sit 24 hours. Then immerse in boiling water in it 3 separate times (hagalah). You could also place it in the oven and bring it to its highest possible heat for about an hour.
Q: Can a Nespresso coffee maker be used on Passover?
A: Yup. If you only use non-flavored coffee, it’s already set to go. If flavored coffee is used (I don’t recommend flavored coffee at any point, but that’s just me) then remove pod, fill with new water, run it through until the water comes out clear. Let it sit until the next day and it’s ready.
Q: I have silverware that probably hasn’t been used for 20 years. Do I have to kasher it so I can use it on Pesach?
Can I wash the silverware first in my not-yet-kosher for Pesach kitchen sink? And then boil the silverware in a pot in my not-yet kosher for Pesach cooktop?
A: First thing — if the silverware hasn’t been used in 20 years, it is halakhically impossible for them to contain treif.
Nevertheless, to kasher them, I’d suggest using an electric tea kettle, boiled, poured into sink. Then drop all the silverware in and pour another boiling kettle over them. I’rui from a keli rishon and/or sheni is totally sufficient for silverware.
Q: Can I kasher my air fryer for Passover?
A: You can. The challenge is cleaning it well. That’s step one. But if you can get it clean, then once clean, let it sit 24 hours. Then crank it up and treat it as you would an oven.
Fruits and Vegetables
Q: What is the status of packaged seeds such as pumpkin, celery, sunflower, sesame, etc, for those who eat kitniyot on Pesach?
A: Raw — fine.
Roasted, probably best to look for certified GF. For both, they should be purchased before Passover.
A company like this works well. https://www.mygerbs.com/gerbs-story/
Q: Are hekhshered canned fruits and vegetables OK? (ex: can of Dole pineapple slices lists: pineapple, pineapple juice and citric acid)
A: Yup.
Q: Since a Pesach hekhsher is not needed for frozen fruit and vegetables, does it make a difference if they are whole, sliced or chopped?
A: Nope. Those are okay too.
Q: A package (bearing a year-round OU certification) that contains only one ingredient, such as dates, cherries, prunes, or raisins, and there are absolutely no other ingredients listed on the package — no preservatives, no oils of any kind, etc — may this be used if purchased before Passover?
A: Anything labeled “no additives” and certainly GF brands are totally fine to buy beforehand. There are lots of options in those categories.
Q: Are canned sweet potatoes with year-round hekhsher (ingredients: sweet potatoes, water, sugar) kosher for Passover, with purchase before Passover?
A: Yup.
Q: Are canned crushed pineapple and canned pineapple juice with a year-round hekhsher (ingredients: pineapple juice, clarified pineapple juice, pineapple juice from concentrate) kosher for Passover?
A: Yup.
Q: Is Upton’s Jackfruit, purchased in advance okay?
A: The unseasoned pieces are fine. For the canned, I’d need to know the source of their natural preservatives, which could be wheat-based. The fact that they aren’t certified GF (with all those other certifications) suggests it may be problematic.
Q: Is a can of hekhshered artichokes (but not for Passover) and labeled gluten-free OK for Pesach? It has citric acid and also ascorbic acid.
A: Yup, this is fine to purchase beforehand. (See question on citric acid in Additives.)
Q: I am curious that raisins require either an OU or a StarK hekhsher. What is the problem with TriangleK?
A: It’s less about a specific issue with Triangle-K raisins, and more about what we are able to (and asked) to verify. I’ve not looked into them before but will see what I can find. I suspect they are okay, but will see if I can confirm that.
Follow up: The issue is potential kitniyot derivatives being used in a spray they receive before packaging. So if you eat kitniyot, no problem. I don’t eat kitniyot, but I’d still get these personally before Passover (if I ate raisins!) because a derivative spray like this, to me, isn’t problematic. But for others, it might be…
Soy Products
Q: What is the status of tofu on Pesach, assuming one eats kiniyot?
A: If you find certified GF Tofu, buy it before Passover and it is totally fine (for kitniyot eaters).
Q: As someone who eats kitniyot, I’m looking at soy curls, which are certified kosher, have a single ingredient and a little “no-wheat” drawing on the front (but don’t appear to have any other non-GF) certification, and I’m wondering whether they would be okay for Passover if purchased before the holiday.
A: Yes, acceptable to purchase beforehand.
Q: What is the rationale for permitting canned tuna without a Passover Hekhsher before Passover as described in the RA guide? Even if one did not hold the Kitniyot oils as a problem, how do you get around the equipment processing?
A: I’ve been in touch with lots of companies and the “may” seems to be very, very unlikely. But even if it did happen, it’d be a case of nat bar nat d’heiteira—therefore totally fine if purchased beforehand.
Follow-up-Q: If you don’t eat Kitniyot, are you saying that tuna packed in only water has no Kitniyot issues?
A: Yup, in water, no issue. Most oils for tuna are vegetable, though you may also see some kitniyot oils (most likely soy). They’d be on the ingredient list.
Follow-up-Q: My impression of Noten Taam Bar Noten Taam was that it is related to questions of Basar B’Chalav. Is it generally applied to Hametz as well?
A:Here’s a little bit of Rav Ovadia’s paper (Yechaveh Daat 1:11) on purchasing cheeses/jams before Passover. The concept does transfer beyond Basar B’Halav:
נוסף לזה, י”ל שאפילו היו הכלים של חמץ בני יומן, הואיל והמרקחות נעשו בזמן היתר החמץ, הו”ל נותן טעם בר נותן טעם דהיתרא, שפסק מרן בש”ע יו”ד (ר”ס צ”ה) להתיר אף לכתחלה.
On top of this, one could claim that even if the equipment is used within 24 hours (and this is known for certain), since the jam/jelly is produced at a time when hametz is permitted, what we have is the principle of a secondarily transmitted taste of something permitted, which R. Karo permits outright (l’khatchila).
Dairy and Milk (and Milk Substitutes)
Q: What is the status of non-Pesach hekhsher cream cheese, plain yogurt, and cottage cheese, which were allowed during the height of the pandemic? Have those leniencies been removed for good?
A: Cream cheese and cottage cheese fall under plain cheeses that are in the “no KP, okay to buy beforehand” column.
Good question. Not including plain yogurt there is a mistaken omission from draft to final version. But it remains okay to buy beforehand.
Q: Does Lactaid (the milk version in the carton or jug) require a Kosher l’Pesach certification if purchased before the start of the holiday, or can it be treated like white milk, in which case it wouldn’t need such certification?
A: It’s likely they don’t do specific KP hashgacha because of potential shared equipment, which then wouldn’t be cost effective. But that’s not a concern for us, especially because their products are GF (except a few weird specialty flavors…I’d stick to the plain milk).
Q: What is the status of Silk original almond milk (whose label says it has “natural flavor” but no “flavorings”)?
A: Yup, totally fine.
Almond milk yogurt— also okay to buy certified GF beforehand (Silk is certified, among most others).
Q: If low-moisture mozzarella cheese in the form of a block is bought before the holiday, is a regular Kosher certification sufficient, or does it need a KP?
A: Fine with year-round hekhsher to buy beforehand.
Q: Are cottage cheese, cultured skim milk, cream, salt, and Vitamin A Palmitate Kosher for Passover?
A: Yes. Safest to buy certified Gluten-Free cottage cheese, or check the label for (a very rarely used) modified wheat starch, sometimes barley-based.
Q: May I purchase plain Greek yogurt before Passover, for use on Passover?
A: Yes. Greek yogurt is simply dairy and live-cultures. For any (unlikely, but) potential cross-contamination concerns, purchase a certified GF brand, of which there will be many options. This website has lots of possible options. (Greek-style yogurt may use thickeners, which present other concerns.)
Q: Can I purchase whipped cream cheese with an OU hekhshered but not KFP, to purchase before Passover?
A: Yup, and lots of GF options out there. I have checked on Philadelphia before and that’s okay.
Q: May I purchase unflavored half & half before Passover?
A: Yes, half and half can be bought before Passover.
Q: Can I use heavy cream, purchased before Passover, that lists gellan gum as the other ingredient besides for milk?
A: Yep, fine.
Q: Does a block of cheddar or mozzarella cheese with a regular OU hekhsher need Pesach-specific certification?
A: This is fine to buy beforehand, yes.
Q: Is Coconut milk Kosher for Passover?
A: Depends on a couple of factors, but unflavored certified gluten-free, bought before Passover—fine. The safest is always canned coconut milk, which generally only has coconut milk and water.
Q: Do spices with a hekhsher but have no other ingredient need to be KP? (ex: just ground cinnamon or just ground nutmeg and nothing else)
A: They likely are. But often anti-caking agents are used for ground spices. So depends on brand, etc. You can always ask a brand if they do or not. If they don’t, perfectly fine to buy beforehand.
Q: Why can I not use ground spices purchased before Pesach, specifically: turmeric, cumin & cayenne? Can you suggest a source that is kosher of Pesach.
A: The reason I can’t blanket permit those is because in ground spices there are sometimes anti-caking agents added—and those can be hametz. If you ask a particular company if they use them (or which they use) it can be pretty easy to determine whether or not it could be purchased beforehand without KP.
My guess is there are some good options for the spices you listed. If you have a specific brand you can pass it along and I can look into it. Or you can also just email the company. I usually get responses when I do that…
Q: Is it a slam-dunk to use 100% pure kosher single spices (purchased before Pesach) without a K-Pesach designation? Or are there things to be worried about?
A: The only thing to worry about with single-ingredient ground spices is the potential addition of an anti-caking agent, which, in theory, could be wheat-based. So the best thing to do is use a website like this which is protecting celiacs. If they can eat it, any potential addition of an anti-caking agent is going to be non-wheat-based.
Q: Does a jarred dried herb like dill fit the RA Guide’s category of whole spices for allowable without special certification?
A: Yup, those are fine to get beforehand.
Q: Do dried oregano flakes bought before Pesach have processing issues that might lead to them having chametz concerns? Or can I purchase them without a Passover certification?
A: Totally fine to buy beforehand. The thing to look for is no anti-caking agents. So a brand like this is ideal: https://www.navafresh.com/products/vy-vedayug-oregano-flakes-for-seasonings-premium-quality-30g
Q: The RA list has under No Pesach hekhsher required—“olive oil (and other pure oils),” Under Hekhsher always required—“oils (olive oil, see above)” Can you please clarify?
A: Flavored oils are potentially problematic, and more common now.
Q: I bought some kosher for Pesach flour from a guy in upstate NY. I’ve been scouring the internet for matzo recipes. Many use olive oil. Is there a halakhic reason to avoid the olive oil?
A: If you use oil, you will have matzah ashira. Fine for eating throughout Passover (please save some for me), just not the mitzvah matzah after motzi/al achilat matzah at seder.
Q: Is normally hekhshered pure–vegetable oil, grape seed oil, avocado oil okay if bought before Passover.
A: Yup. Best to stick to a pure, single-ingredient oil.
Q: The RA guidelines for this year state: Products which may be purchased without a Pesach hekhsher before or during Pesach: include olive oil (and other pure oils). For those who do not eat kitniyot—can you use canola oil?
A: This question has two parts: Is this a kitniyot derivative product? And, if so, does its processing into an oil change its status? For the first, it depends on who you ask. For the 2nd, it depends on who you ask. But, even for those who place rapeseed into the kitniyot cateogry, in my mind a stringency in and of itself, they’d also have to then prohibit oils made from kitniyot, another stringency in and of itself. Personally, I think both are a reach and the OU is mistaken in this. And even if we do consider rapeseed to be kitniyot, extending that to their processed oils is a humra (stringency) too far. I believe they are totally permissible even for those who do not consume kitniyot on Passover.
Q: If one normally does not eat kitniyot on Pesah, would it be OK to eat kitniyot on that Shabbat (even after 11 AM)? I’m trying to think of a way so that Shabbat won’t end up being like a 9th day of Pesach. Any other ideas will be gratefully accepted.
A: In fact, it would be prohibited to prohibit yourself from eating them as a matter of law. You can choose not to eat them, but that would not be a halakhic choice, just a personal preference. It is totally and entirely permitted.
And, since kitniyot don’t transmit flavor or anything prohibited to your already Pesadic stuff/dishes/cookware, nothing needs to happen after you do eat them, and you can prepare them on your Passover ready kitchenware.
Q: Is hummus KP if purchased before Passover for kitniyot eaters?
A: Hummus that is certified GF, like Sabra — no problem to buy before Passover. If you have a question about a non-certified GF brand, I can look into it.
Q: May a package with an OU certification containing only shelled walnuts be used for Passover?
A: Without preservatives, yes, totally fine. With preservatives, it depends on the preservatives. But usually okay, still.
Q: Are dried chestnuts purchased before passover OK, and shelled raw nuts in general?
A: Yes, acceptable to purchase beforehand.
Q: May I buy Bamba before Passover (we eat kitniyot)?
A: So, two answers. There is a KP version you can buy, likely produced for Israeli kitniyot eaters.
As for non-KP-marked Bamba, here’s what I know: It isn’t certified GF, though it is actually GF. There are potential (very unlikely) shared equipment concerns which is why it is listed as an allergen. But even if it did share equipment, that isn’t a concern (for possible trace amounts) if bought before Passover.
Teas and Drinks
Q: I understand that pure black, green, and white teas do not need a K for P hecksher. Is Oolong considered a black tea?
A: It’s like black/green tea in terms of processing, so no need for special KP.
Q: I noticed you added decaffeinated coffee to your not-needing-a-KP list this year if it uses the Swiss Water Process. Is that a normal method?
A: So glad you noticed. Definitely look out for brands that use this method. Google’s your friend here. (https://www.luckybelly.com/swiss-water-process-decaf-coffee-brands/)
As for other decaf coffees, I feel the urge to comment further. The Swiss Water Process isn’t the most widely used method. Most coffees use a direct or indirect chemical solvent process to remove the caffeine. The reason decaf coffees require a KP, at least according to the hashgacha industry, is because Ethyl Acetate can be used, and it may contain corn or wheat. Nevertheless, I still can’t quite figure out how it could be a problem, especially for decaf bought before Passover. It literally diminishes the flavor of the coffee to use this to decaffeinate. If it is corn-based, it’s fine even for kitniyot eaters. Even if it is wheat-based, it is minuscule. Like, very much so. There are other chemicals, too. It may not even be wheat! Seems pretty darn hard to prohibit, unless you really want to be prohibitive.
All that to say, this year, until I can learn a bit more as to why they are so prohibitive, I’m sticking with the Swiss Water Method as outright permitted. I’m fairly certain all decaf is fine to purchase without a KP, but will wait until next year to officially add it.
Q: Regarding Kombucha — If I purchase without a Pesach hekhsher before Pesach, can I rely on bittul? This is my practice with most packaged drinks, most dairy products, and many forms of kitniyot, but despite having made my own Kombucha for a while, I don’t know how the big guys do it.
A: There are definitely brands (like Equinox) you can rely upon, which are extremely careful about any potential cross-contamination. In general, the information you need can be obtained from any company pretty easily to make this determination.
Q: Are Soda Stream flavors okay for Passover?
A: The ones I would use, if bought before Passover, are the SS products with only natural flavors (Fruit Drops, I think they call them). It’s possible more are okay, but I’d need to do more research…
Q: Is Coconut milk kosher for Passover?
A: Depends on a couple of factors, but unflavored certified gluten-free, bought before Passover—fine. The safest is always canned coconut milk, which generally only has coconut milk and water.
Impossible Meat (and other similar products)
Question and Answer by Rabbi Hillary Chorny (TBA-LA):
Q: Is Impossible Meat Kosher for Passover?
A: Impossible Meat is certified pareve by the OU for consumption for general kashrut purposes. There is no ingredient in Impossible Meat that constitutes chametz. The two ingredients that might be of concern, maltodextrin and yeast extract, were confirmed by the company itself not to be derived from cereal grains. Still, those ingredients comprise less than 2% of the product and are nullified 1/60 if the product is purchased before Pesach begins.
There are two major kitniyot ingredients in the product: soy protein concentrate and soy protein isolate. The latter is listed by several major kashrut organizations as a confirmed kitniyot product; it comprises less than 2% of the product and therefore is nullified by the majority of the product being non-kitniyot in nature. The second ingredient in the product, after water, is soy protein concentrate. That product is a highly processed extract of soy flour intended for concentrate the protein content and remove the soybean flavor. http://www.fao.org/3/t0532e/t0532e06.htm
Given the specifics about the majority of this product consisting of a kitniyot derivative that does not resemble a grain and cannot be confused with chametz, we should not be concerned about the consumption of the product in any amount. To be cautious, we might recommend that the product only be consumed if purchased before Pesach such that any chametz that might exist in trace content be nullified, though the product is certified gluten-free and the company itself has confirmed no grain content is used.
Impossible Meat: I hold permissible even to those who are lo ochlei kitniyot.
Eggs and Egg Substitutes
Q: Are liquid egg-whites with no other ingredients okay to purchase before Passover?
A: Yup, totally fine to buy beforehand as a single-ingredient item.
Flours and Grains
Q: Does almond flour require a hekhsher? The only ingredient is blanched almonds
A: There are a number of brands some of the Kashrut agencies have already okayed to purchase before Passover. I imagine most brands would be fine, but unless I have a specific one, I can’t say one way or another. But for now:
Kirkland Almond Flour is okay.
Barney Basics is okay.
Mandolin is okay.
Blue Diamond is okay.
Q: I have a question about quinoa. The RA guide says that regular Kosher quinoa is fine if it is from Bolivia or Peru and says gluten-free. At stores near us, we can find regular kosher quinoa from Bolivia or Peru, but it doesn’t say gluten-free. Is that designation necessary?
A: That designation offers an extra layer of precaution that is helpful, but it isn’t necessarily required if you take the extra step of just pouring out the quinoa into a separate container and giving it a look for foreign grains that might need to be removed and discarded (unlikely).
Additives, Medicine, and Non-Food-But-Edible Items
Q: I take a lot of supplements, including Omega 3 and Omega 7 gelcaps. The Omega 3s were recommended several years ago by a mental health professional to stabilize mood.
Neither of the gelcaps are flavored or chewable, both are gluten-free. (One uses cornstarch in the capsule.)
The other supplements are in tablet form, hekhshered, and gluten, wheat, and soy-free.
Can I continue to take these vitamins and supplements during Pesah?
A: All are fine for Passover.
Q: Are these items Kosher for Passover? Juices: ascorbic acid and malic acid
A: Yup.
Q: Is nutritional yeast K for P?
A: Yes. And I still recommend GF brands, of which there are many. (Brewers yeast, however, is very hametz-y)
Q: Are products that contain citrus acid okay for Passover if bought beforehand?
A: Assuming all the other ingredients are okay, yes. There’s a fairly large debate on this, as some citric acids can be produced with wheat flour. But many authorities (like R’ Ovadia Yosef) have determined it’s still not problematic, as the flour never becomes hametz, and eventually loses its status as food in production. I’d feel comfortable purchasing something with citric acid in it.
Q: Must the juices with ascorbic acid be bought before Pesach due to possibilities that it’s derived from wheat? Would unflavored apple sauces with similar ascorbic therefore be okay as well?
A: Yes, those should be bought beforehand. Even though the ascorbic acid is not hametz (no matter the derivation), my general rule is, unless circumstances are dire, best to purchase non-KP-marked food in which we rely on good knowledge of the product, and bittul for potential cross-contamination beforehand. But this also creates a distinction important for Passover—to be as conscious as possible of food on the holiday itself.
It creates a tangible distinction between before Passover and during Passover. So we recommend purchasing beforehand, even if may not be absolutely necessary.
Q: Is there anything I need to think about with Tums over Pesach if they’re marked gluten-free?
A: Nope. Especially if they are meeting a particular medical need. But either way, there’s nothing in them that is problematic if bought before Passover.
Q: What about cleaning products that don’t have a hekhsher but are ok ingredients-wise? Like Barkeepers’ Friend and PURACY. I contacted the company and they said, “While our products are kosher they are not certified kosher at this time.”
A: Yup, cleaning products are fine and do not require a KP.
Q: Can I use regular O/U vinegar to clean and kasher my dishwasher and other appliances before Passover? Or do I need to use kosher for Passover (ie: fake!) vinegar?
A: Wine vinegar, apple vinegar—totally fine. A white vinegar is likely fine, but if you contact the brand they can tell you if it was made from a grain. Kitniyot-based vinegar is not a problem, either way. And, more importantly, since you are using this to clean, before kashering, any vinegar should be fine. Just make sure to let anything you wash sit for 24 hours (or overnight at the least) before kashering.
Q: What about hand sanitizer (ie Purel)? I’ve read that Ethyl Alcohol isn’t Kosher for use during Passover, and many hand sanitizers contain it.
A: All hand-sanitizers are permitted on Passover, regardless of their ingredients.
Q: Are all certified gluten-free foods kosher for Passover?
A: In an effort to definitively alert consumers to the presence of wheat gluten in packaged foods, the FDA mandates that any product including the words “gluten-free,” “no gluten,” “free of gluten,” or “without gluten” must contain less than 20 parts per million of glutinous wheat, spelt, barley, or rye. This eliminates the possibility of a gluten-free packaged food containing 4 of the 5 hametz-derived grains in any quantity that would be viable according to Jewish law. Furthermore, this eliminates concern over any shared equipment that may have imparted hametz, since the amount of 20 parts per million is much more stringent than the halakhic principle of batel b’shishim, nullifying hametz in trace amounts (1 part in 60, about 1.6% or less of the total volume). Oats are the only hametz- grain not necessarily absent in a gluten-free food. Check for oats if you shop GF.
Q: If I am bringing my own meal to a seder because my host is using a non-kosher but Jewish owned restaurant caterer, can I eat their charoset and maror by relying on nullification and not have to bring those items too? Thanks.
A: If maror is store-bought, or fresh, you just need to know what brand, but it is very likely fine. Charoset, probably best to bring your own.
Q: Question re non-K-for-Pesach lox with OU labelling, purchased prior to Pesach (like the BJ’s Wellesley Farm Scottish-Style Smoked Salmon). Is it usable?
A: Yup, this can be purchased before Passover and eaten on Passover.
Rabbi Aaron Alexander is Co-Senior Rabbi at Adas Israel Congregation in D.C. He previously served for ten years as Associate Dean and Lecturer in Rabbinic and Jewish Law at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles, where he also received his ordination. He has long sat on the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards (CJLS) for the Conservative movement, and is currently Chair of the Kashrut Subcommittee. Aaron serves on the Strategy Team for the Washington Interfaith Network, DC’s premier multi-faith community organizing network. He has been a JJGI Hadar Fellow, and a Rabbi Samuel T. Lachs Fellow of LEAP, a joint program of UPenn and Clal. Rabbi Alexander and his wife, Rabbi Penina Alexander, have three young sons, Ariel, Eliav and Amos.
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