As we hear the sacred blasts of the shofar’s call, I am always struck by the power of how such a simple instrument can evoke such a wide and deep range of emotions, thoughts, and hopes, both personal and communal.
As our tradition teaches, the sound of the shofar can literally break down the walls, both physical and spiritual. It can shatter complacency and indifference, move us from the narrow to the expansive, and inspire us to move forward while simultaneously remembering the past. It also reminds us that words can only go so far but a cry for compassion, justice, and forgiveness takes concrete action.
As we look forward to the New Year of 5785, I am excited to share some of the TorahRefers to the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, the Tanakh, also called the Five Books of Moses, Pentateuch or the Hebrew equivalent, Humash. This is also called the Written Torah. The term may also refer to teachings that expound on Jewish tradition. Read more from the Social Justice Commission of Conservative/Masorti Judaism. We are the central address for our Movement’s social justice efforts, bringing together rabbis of the RA, cantors, USCJ, Women’s League, Men’s Clubs, USY, and our Seminaries to organize, educate, and advocate on behalf of a wide range of social justice issues.
We believe that by coming together we can not only amplify our collective energy but also bring our unique understanding of Torah to the Holy work we do. I hope you find meaning in this Machzor supplement and sign-up for our monthly SJC newsletter.
L’Shanah Tovah Tikateivu v’Tikateimu!
Rabbi Michael Singer
Find All of the Social Justice Commission's Essays for their 5785 High Holiday Reader below:
The Shofar Is Calling Us Toward Queer Reconciliation: A Kavvanah
A Racial Justice Vidui/Confessional
Hagar, Enslaved Woman
Caring For Creation Prayer
The American Altar
Approaching Tashlikh: Casting Off Racism
A Meditation/Kavannah on the Shofar and Civic Engagement
A Social Justice HaRachaman
Promoting Isaiah On Yom Kippur
Serving as a central address within the movement, the Social Justice Commission (SJC) works through consensus to evolve a vision of social justice through the lens of Conservative/Masorti Judaism. We strive to educate, advocate, and organize around the issues of today, articulating that acts of social justice are mitzvot.
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