Category: Sefer Shemot / Book of Exodus

Trusting the Process of the Journey

Parshat Bo is about trusting the process of the journey put in front of you. Learn more in Alicia Rothamel's Senior Sermon at JTS.
Pharaoh’s Hardened Heart and the Nature of Free Will 

Pharaoh’s Hardened Heart and the Nature of Free Will

Free will gives us a lot of responsibility. But the sages teach we're still able to make mistakes and the teshuvah to repair them.
A Jew Knows How to Cry

A Jew Knows How to Cry

Not only does God cry, but so does Moses in the basket when he's found by Batya, Pharaoh's daughter. Why does this moment matter?
Does God Punish us Looking Deeper at Deuteronomy's Theology

Does God Punish Us? Looking Deeper at Deuteronomy’s Theology

Unpacking Deuteronomy's Theology: How could such a loving God allow us to suffer? Does God want us to suffer? Is it a punishment?

Guiding Questions: Exodus 40

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 39

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 38

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 37

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 36

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 35

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 34

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 33

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 32

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 31

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 30

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 29

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 28

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 27

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 26

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 25

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 24

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 23

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 22

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 21

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 20

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 19

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 18

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 17

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 16

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 15

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 14

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 13

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 12

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 11

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 10

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 9

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 8

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 7

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 6

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 5

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 4

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 3

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 2

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Exodus 1

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Exodus on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.
How Will You Embody Hope?

How Will You Embody Hope?

We are the inheritors of Moses and Miriam and all the generations of Hebrews and Jews who came before us and every bit of hope ...
Why Are There Two Challot on Shabbat?

Why Are There Two Challot on Shabbat?

It is custom to have two challot at the Shabbat meal. Where does this tradition come from? Here are a few answers to that question.
How Do We Continue the Work of Liberation Without Miracles?

How Do We Continue the Work of Liberation Without Miracles?

As we commemorate MLK Day, how can we support liberation in our communities? How do we continue the work of liberation without miracles?
Parashat Ki Tisa: On Relationships with God and Other Human Beings

On Relationships with God and Other Human Beings

Ilana Sandberg (JTS RS '24) explores parashat Ki Tisa and speaks on relationships with God and other human beings.
Parashat Mishpatim: The Torah of Disorienting Moments

The Torah of Disorienting Moments

Talia Kaplan (JTS RS '24) explores parashat Mishpatim and the Torah of disorienting moments, reflecting on her rabbinical school experience.
Parashat Yitro: Binding Love and Loss

Binding Love and Loss

Amalya Volz (JTS RS '24) explores Parashat Yitro through the binding of love and loss and the people of Israel's relationship with God.
Charlton Heston Speaking

Charlton Heston Speaking

We can learn about leadership from Moses, as well as from Charlton Heston speaking, as he plays Moses in the Ten Commandments movie.
Shirat Hayam - They're playing our song!

Shirat Hayam: They’re playing our song!

Shirat Hayam connects us to a collective memory and is the proof-text that enlarges, extends, and authenticates the meaning of the prayer. 
Why I Change the Melodies: Exploring Keva and Kavanah

Why I Change the Melodies: Exploring Keva and Kavanah

By occasionally changing melodies, we draw from both Keva and Kavanah and invite ourselves into a deeper connection with our prayers.
The Masveh Aliyah: Honor Someone Who Cares

The Masveh Aliyah: Honor Someone Who Cares

On Parashat Ki Tisa, honor someone in your community who embodies empathy and care. The Aliyah also marks the anniversary of the pandemic.
Unpacking the Phrase: Barukh HaShem

Unpacking the Phrase: Barukh HaShem

What does “Barukh HaShem" really mean? What is the origin of this phrase? If we don’t believe in God, how do we relate to the ...