Category: Parashat Vayishlach

The Price of Exhaustion: Lessons from Jacob and Esau

The Price of Exhaustion: Lessons from Jacob and Esau

In a world that celebrates exhaustion, we can look to Jacob and Esau for a deeper lesson: we have to value what truly matters.
Haftarah for Va-yishlach

Haftarah for Va-yishlach

The haftarah connects to the parashah through Jacob and Esau in the early biblical period, and Israel and Edom in the later period.

Guiding Questions: Genesis 36

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Genesis on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Genesis 35

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Genesis on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Genesis 34

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Genesis on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Genesis 33

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Genesis on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Genesis 32

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Genesis on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.
The Rabbis' Boogeyman: Learning About Forgiveness

The Rabbis’ Boogeyman: Learning About Forgiveness

What can we learn about forgiveness from the Rabbis' boogeyman? Esau is that boogeyman but we can learn from his relationship with Jacob.
Jacob and Esav: The Original Yom Sport

Jacob and Esav: The Original Yom Sport

The story of Jacob and Esav's relationship is a paradigm of biblical “Color War” and what really winning actually means.
Dinah: An Unexpected Trans Story

Dinah: An Unexpected Trans Story

Based on rabbinic midrash from tractate Berakhot, Dinah can be read either as a trans woman or, as this piece argues, a closeted trans man.
Finding Quiet Solace in a Stormy World

Finding Quiet Solace in a Stormy World

Caleb Brommer, RS '24, speaks on finding quiet solace in a stormy world, for his JTS senior sermon, on Parashat Vayishlach.