Category: Parashat Bereshit

Parashah Summary: Bereshit

Take a look at the summary for Parashah Bereshit, including aliyah-by-aliyah summaries for and a haftarah summary.
Fat Liberation in Gan Eden

Fat Liberation in Gan Eden

God created humans with naked bodies and no shame. Now, we live in a world that wants us to forget that we were made in ...
Haftarah for B'reishit

Haftarah for B’reishit

The theme of creation links the haftarah to the theologies of Creation in the Bible. The prophet expresses the continuity of divine action.

Guiding Questions: Genesis 6

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Genesis on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Genesis 5

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Genesis on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Genesis 4

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Genesis on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Genesis 3

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Genesis on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Genesis 2

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Genesis on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Guiding Questions: Genesis 1

Find guiding questions for each chapter of Genesis on Exploring Judaism, the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.
We Have a Responsibility to the Earth

We Have a Responsibility to the Earth

Some interpret Creation as an allowance to plunder the Earth. However, that is a misconception; we have a responsibility to the Earth.
The Mitzvah of Environmental Sustainability

The Mitzvah of Environmental Sustainability

What does Judaism say about environmental sustainability? Yishuv Ha'olam is the mitzvah to build and maintain a sustainable world.