Category: Talmud

Pharaoh’s Hardened Heart and the Nature of Free Will 

Pharaoh’s Hardened Heart and the Nature of Free Will

Free will gives us a lot of responsibility. But the sages teach we're still able to make mistakes and the teshuvah to repair them.
How to Deal With Difficult People

How to Deal With Difficult People

A delicate balance is required in dealing with difficult people, and the rabbis provide us a framework to explore this very question.
Food in the Talmud A Window Into a Distant Past

Food in the Talmud: A Window Into a Distant Past

Food is a way to discover layers of knowledge, connect to an ancient memory, and an invitation to revisit the lives of our distant ancestors.
“Peace is Great!” A Challenging Jewish Teaching

“Peace is Great!”  A Challenging Jewish Teaching

Achieving true peace here on earth is a tremendous task which we can fully accomplish only when we have God pushing us to do so.
A Talmudic Reading Of The High Holiday Prayer Un’taneh Tokef

A Talmudic Reading Of The High Holiday Prayer Un’taneh Tokef

Un'taneh Tokef: What makes this prayer so attractive? Could it be the poignant question, “Who will live and who will die?”