Category: Tu Bishvat

Noticing the Trees Two Poems by Alter Esselin 

Noticing the Trees: Two Poems by Alter Esselin 

These two poems about trees by Alter Esselin teach us about wonder and gratitude. A perfect opportunity do these is Tu Bishvat.

What is a Tu Bishvat Seder?

Tu Bishvat is a holiday rooted in the Mishnah Rosh Hashanah 1:1 which outlines the four new years in the Jewish calendar. Tu Bishvat is ...
Why Tu b'Shvat Needs to be More Than a Birthday for Trees

Why Tu b’Shvat Needs to be More Than a Birthday for Trees

Rabbi Jonathan Bernhard encourages us to recommit to caring for our world and to see Tu b’Shvat as more than the “birthday for the trees.
The Secrets of Tu Bishvat

The Secrets of Tu Bishvat

A Tu Bishvat secret: If managed carefully, the seven species can go a long way to keeping a person fed for a whole year.
Blurry orchard with the words What is tu bishvat?

What is Tu Bishvat?

Tu Bishvat, the new year for Trees, can remind us that the world is God’s sacred gift to humanity, a precious legacy entrusted to our ...