Category: Observing Purim

Purim’s Purpose: Get Goofy

Purim’s Purpose: Get Goofy

The beautiful thing about Purim is that it allows us to take a step back, get silly, and not take ourselves too seriously.
Adding Some Shenanigans to your Purim

Adding Some Shenanigans to your Purim

Purim is the perfect time to add some whimsy and shenanigans to your celebration. It is okay to be silly with these activities!
The Four Mitzvot of Purim

The Four Mitzvot of Purim

Purim has something for everyone. In celebrating the Purim, our tradition outlines four special mitzvot for the holiday.
Special Shabbats leading up to Purim and Passover

What are the Special Sabbaths Before Purim and Passover?

A series of special Shabbatot with special Torah readings precede Purim and Passover.
Megillah scroll celebrating Purim in Synagogue

Celebrating Purim in Synagogue

Tradition dictates that Purim be observed on the fourteenth day of Adar, and begins with the recitation of the regular evening service.
Is Alcohol the best way to celebrate Purim?

Is Alcohol the best way to celebrate Purim?

According to a well-known custom, drinking – and drinking to excess – on Purim is required for Jews celebrating the holiday. What is the origin ...
Festivities and food on Purim

Festivities, Food, and Mitzvot on Purim

Purim is celebrated with days of feasting and merrymaking, and occasion for sending gifts to one another and gifts for the poor.