Category: Preparing for Passover

4 Questions Hotline Cover 2025

The Four Questions Hotline

Welcome to the Exploring Judaism Four Questions Hotline, with Passover Cleaning Support! We are here to answer your questions.
The Magic of Bedikat Hametz

The Magic of Bedikat Hametz

Use this guide to bring the magic of bedikat hametz to your children. It can be a fun ritual with your kids, of any age.
The Seder as a Lived Experience

The Seder as a Lived Experience

We use the Seder as a lived experience by reenacting the exodus, not just recounting it. Therefore, we can all connect to Passover.
Fury and Fermentation: A Hasidic Teaching for Pesach

Fury and Fermentation

Learn about fury and fermentation, the concept that our anger could be spiritual hametz during Pesach and all year-round.
Pesah and Continued Kashrut Slavery: A Conceptual Reflection

Pesah and Continued Kashrut Slavery: A Conceptual Reflection

A conceptual reflection of Pesah and Kashrut can bring more meaning to how we follow the halakhah of food on Pesah.
The Passover Preparation Checklist

The Passover Preparation Checklist

We know that preparing for Passover can feel like a daunting task. With this handy checklist, you will be ready for Passover in no time!
Not A Haggadah Post Image

Passover Reader 5784: Not A Haggadah

Exploring Judaism's 2024 (5784) Passover Reader, Not A Haggadah, includes essays to inspire a meaningful Passover.
The Weird and Wacky World of Kosher for Passover

The Weird and Wacky World of Kosher for Passover

The weird and wacky world of keeping Kosher for Passover is confusing and overwhelming, especially when you're new to it. Start here!
Why Is Diversity Important at the Passover Seder?

Why Is Diversity Important at the Passover Seder?

This is why I think my family's tradition of inviting a non-Jew each year to the Passover seder is important.
A Guide To Your First Passover Seder

A Guide To Hosting Your First Passover Seder

It can be daunting to prepare for your first seder. We've put together a collection of great posts that will help you get started.
blurry image of dishes and the words The Important Thing That Keeps our Family “Doing Jewish”

The Important Thing That Keeps our Family “Doing Jewish”

The most important thing to teach the next generation is how to make a seder, including what comes before the festival candles are even lit.
Blurry image of a firepit and the words Biur and S’mores: Have Fun As You Get Rid of Hametz

Biur and S’mores: Have Fun As You Get Rid of Hametz

There is lots to do to get ready for Passover. We may ask, where am I going to have Seder? How long or short will ...
blurry image of a set table How to Make a Seder for Everyone

How to Make a Seder for Everyone

The key to hosting a successful seder for everyone is to articulate a bold purpose in gathering and map the journey.
Image of a desert with the words Passover: An Invitation to Get Free

Passover: An Invitation to Get Free

Spiritually preparing for Passover not an intellectual exercise. It’s a spiritual invitation to ask ourselves: am I willing to get free?
Blurry image of rice with the words What are Kitniyot and when can I eat it?

What are Kitniyot and when can I eat it?

In the early medieval period, it became customary for Ashkenazi Jews to not eat a category of foods called kitniyot. What are they?
Blurry image of cleaning supplies with the words Spirtually Cleaning the Hametz within our souls

Spiritually Cleaning the Hametz Within Our Souls

With all of this physically taxing work, it can be easy to miss the spiritual preparation for this celebration of our collective redemption.
blurry image of seder plate with the words 7 Tips for Hosting Your First Passover Seder

7 Tips for Hosting Your First Passover Seder

If this is your first-time hosting a Passover Seder, here are seven tips to make it a memorable and meaningful experience!
blurry background of a grocery store with the words freedom and food allergies

Freedom and Food Allergies

How is one with food allergies supposed to feel free when they can’t partake in the matzo balls, charoset, cake, or anything else?
blurry picture of a table with the words Bringing Teens to the Seder Table

Bringing Teens to the Seder Table

We have the opportunity to help teens create long-lasting positive connections to the very traditions they are appropriately questioning.
image of bread roll for eiruv tavshilin

What is an Eiruv Tavshilin?

One is only permitted to cook on festivals to make food for the holiday itself, not for other days. There is an exception: eiruv tavshilin.
blurry image Hand placing utensil into boiling pot of water with the words How to Kasher Your Kitchen: A Simplified Guide of lots of bread

How to Kasher Your Kitchen: A Simplified Guide

This is a simplified guide on how to kasher (make kosher) various items in your kitchen, especially for Passover.