
  • Rabbi Idit Lev

    Rabbi Lev is the Global Engagement Associate in the Rabbinical Assembly. Rabbi Lev was ordained from Schechter Rabbinical Seminary in 2004. For many years rabbi Lev was the director of social and economic justice programs at Rabbis for Human Rights, her work focused on issues of poverty in Israel, and the Israeli state budget. Rabbi lev also holds a MA in Psychology from the Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Beer Sheva. Over the years she worked in several positions in NOAM, as student rabbi at a TALI school. She lives in Haifa with her husband and their children.

A New Year Filled With Hope

A New Year Filled With Hope

Tradition reminds me that even if I don't feel hope now, it's still here. Maybe it isn't present right now, maybe we will find it.
שנה חדשה מלאה תקוה

שנה חדשה מלאה תקוה

המסורת מזכירה לי שאפילו שאני לא מרגישה את התקווה עכשיו - היא איפשהו כאן. ואולי היא נוכחת כרגע, אולי נמצא אותה.