
  • Rabbi Dr. J.B. Sacks (he/him) is the spiritual leader of Congregation Beth Shalom (Palm Desert, California). The first openly LGBTQ+ rabbi in the Conservative Movement, Rabbi Sacks is an advocate for inclusion in Jewish life and social justice. His most recent publication is Psalms in the Key of Healing. Rabbi Sacks is the eighteenth generation of rabbis on his mother’s side and lives with his husband Steven Karash in Palm Desert, California. They have an adult son, Evan.

Rabbi Dr. J.B. Sacks (he/him) is the spiritual leader of Congregation Beth Shalom (Palm Desert, California). The first openly LGBTQ+ rabbi in the Conservative Movement, Rabbi Sacks is an advocate for inclusion in Jewish life and social justice. His most recent publication is Psalms in the Key of Healing. Rabbi Sacks is the eighteenth generation of rabbis on his mother’s side and lives with his husband Steven Karash in Palm Desert, California. They have an adult son, Evan.

My Posts

Noticing the Trees Two Poems by Alter Esselin 

Noticing the Trees: Two Poems by Alter Esselin 

These two poems about trees by Alter Esselin teach us about wonder and gratitude. A perfect opportunity do these is Tu Bishvat.
A Social Justice Harachaman

A Social Justice HaRachaman

God wants us to act and open our hearts. This prayer reminds us that when we do justice work, we are doing G!d’s work.
The Shofar Is Calling Us Toward Queer Reconciliation: A Kavvanah

The Shofar Is Calling Us Toward Queer Reconciliation: A Kavvanah

The shofar's call urges us to examine our own biases and privileges, to stand in solidarity and to advocate for change.
Approaching Tashlikh - Casting Off Racism

Approaching Tashlikh: Casting Off Racism

May our casting of the bread upon the waters lead to a concerted common effort to confront and confound racism throughout the New Year.
Acknowledging Jewish Trauma: A Tishah B'Av Chronicle

Acknowledging Jewish Trauma: A Tishah B’Av Chronicle

Ongoing memory and grief help us heal. In acknowledging Jewish trauma, and learning the Tishah B'Av chronicle, we can learn to do just that.
All Flesh Is Grass: Shabbat Nachamu

All Flesh Is Grass: Shabbat Nachamu

Shabbat Nachamu reminds us to ask: how do we find comfort, and how do we comfort others? We can learn this from nature.
Jerusalem: Our Singularly Plural Capital

Jerusalem: Our Singularly Plural Capital

What is the significance of Jerusalem, our singularly plural capital, as our capital city? What makes it so important?
16 Facts about Purim and the Book of Esther

16 Facts about Purim and the Book of Esther

Learn 16 facts about Purim and the Book of Esther, including the language and the context of the megillah in the Tanakh.
Descendants of Kings and Scholars: Leading the Revolution

Descendants of Kings and Scholars: Leading the Revolution

Descendants of leaders steer revolutions, seen through Moshe and Mordechai. What motivates the privileged who become social justice warriors?
What Am I Afraid Of?

What Am I Afraid Of?

As we continue the work of Elul, examining the words of Psalm 27 can teach us about going beyond the inner voices and what we ...