
  • Daniel Nevins is Head of School at Golda Och Academy. Previously, he served as dean at JTS Rabbinical School and Senior Rabbi of Adat Shalom Synagogue in Michigan. A graduate of Harvard and JTS, he has been a member of the CJLS since 1999. A book of his responsa, Torah and Technology: Circuits, Cells, and the Sacred Path, was published in 2024.

Daniel Nevins is Head of School at Golda Och Academy. Previously, he served as dean at JTS Rabbinical School and Senior Rabbi of Adat Shalom Synagogue in Michigan. A graduate of Harvard and JTS, he has been a member of the CJLS since 1999. A book of his responsa, Torah and Technology: Circuits, Cells, and the Sacred Path, was published in 2024.

My Posts

Rebranding Tzedakah: From Charity to Sacred Spending

What if we rebranded tzedakah from our more modern conception of charity and giving to a rabbinic-inspired sacred spending?

The Textual Foundations of Honoring One’s Parents

The Rabbis explain that honoring one’s parents is to be understood essentially as an act of worshiping God.

Jewish Obligations of Parents to Children

When speaking about family, there is a wide variety of opinions and also a variety of obligations of parents, situations and relationships.