
  • Dan Ornstein headshot

    Dan Ornstein is the rabbi of Congregation Ohav Shalom, a writer and a teacher living with his family in Albany, New York. He is the author of Cain v Abel: A Jewish Courtroom Drama (Jewish Publication Society, 2020). Check out his website at

Dan Ornstein is the rabbi of Congregation Ohav Shalom, a writer and a teacher living with his family in Albany, New York. He is the author of Cain v Abel: A Jewish Courtroom Drama (Jewish Publication Society, 2020). Check out his website at

My Posts

How Far Should One Go to Make Peace?

How far should one go to make peace? We can learn the answer to this from looking at stories of how Aaron makes peace.
“Peace is Great!” A Challenging Jewish Teaching

“Peace is Great!”  A Challenging Jewish Teaching

Achieving true peace here on earth is a tremendous task which we can fully accomplish only when we have God pushing us to do so.
Fury and Fermentation: A Hasidic Teaching for Pesach

Fury and Fermentation

Learn about fury and fermentation, the concept that our anger could be spiritual hametz during Pesach and all year-round.
Just the Tip of the Etrog

Just the Tip of the Etrog

Reflecting on the idea that a tiny, fragile protuberance can make an entire ritual object unfit for use is absurd. Here's what it teaches us.
Could The Terminator Do Teshuvah?

Could The Terminator Do Teshuvah?

Rabbi Dan Ornstein teaches us: human freedom is ineradicable and that our dignity is predicated upon our moral responsibility.