
  • Daniela Rusowsky

    Journalist. Msc. in Anthropology. She was a fellow in the first cohort of the Exploring Judaism's Writer's Fellowship. South American Rabbinical Student in Europe. Mother of two fantastic daughters. Love to practice yoga, meditate and to cook for family and friends. Currently doing research on food & identity for Phd on Jewish Theology at Paderborn University, Germany.

Journalist. Msc. in Anthropology. She was a fellow in the first cohort of the Exploring Judaism’s Writer’s Fellowship. South American Rabbinical Student in Europe. Mother of two fantastic daughters. Love to practice yoga, meditate and to cook for family and friends. Currently doing research on food & identity for Phd on Jewish Theology at Paderborn University, Germany.

My Posts

Food in the Talmud A Window Into a Distant Past

Food in the Talmud: A Window Into a Distant Past

Food is a way to discover layers of knowledge, connect to an ancient memory, and an invitation to revisit the lives of our distant ancestors.
Transforming Friday dinner into Shabbat dinner

Transforming Friday dinner into Shabbat dinner

In times where family and friends are more rare than ever, Shabbat dinner is a precious cradle of memories and community is a gift.
Moving House A Recurring Event of Jewish Life

Moving House: A Recurring Event of Jewish Life

No matter if we're moving two blocks away or crossing an ocean, with only our mezuzah reminds us who we are and how to continue ...
Wake up with Gratitude to Cultivate Happiness

Wake up with Gratitude to Cultivate Happiness

Engaging in gratitude every morning for being alive is a religious habit that can contribute to a healthier and happy life.
Lech Lecha: Weaving the Bonds of Trust and Loyalty

Lech Lecha: Weaving the Bonds of Trust and Loyalty

This portion reveals the intricate layers of psychological conflicts, while revealing the love, loyalty, and trust that exist amongst us.
Why Are There Two Challot on Shabbat?

Why Are There Two Challot on Shabbat?

It is custom to have two challot at the Shabbat meal. Where does this tradition come from? Here are a few answers to that question.
How to Get the Get (A Jewish Divorce) and Why It Matters

How to Get the Get (A Jewish Divorce) and Why It Matters

The Get or “decree of divorce,” plays a fundamental role in the Jewish life cycle of a couple whose marriage has come to an end ...