- What is the attitude of the prophet in the first verse, patience or restiveness?
- The Divine answer begins in Habakkuk 2:2 and it calls for a written recording — for what purpose?
- Is there a future, then, for prophecy (Habakkuk 2:3)?
- Does Habakkuk 2:4 indicate that, in the last analysis, the righteous will “live”?
- And, according to Habakkuk 2:5 what is to become of the “treacherous, arrogant individual”?
- What will the “public opinion” be of the charlatan?
- And what shall become of the economic predator (Habakkuk 2:7)?
- But, is it an individual that is described in these verses or is it a country (Habakkuk 2:8); and, if a country which country?
- Might Habakkuk 2:9-12 then, actually refer to Chaldea?
- Whether or not the text refers to individuals or to a nation, what is the “cup in the right hand of God” (Habakkuk 2:16) and what does it imply?
- Habakkuk 2:17 makes reference to “lawlessness against Lebanon” — would this affirm, then, that the condemnatory verses refer to a nation rather than individuals?
- But, in Habakkuk 2:18-19 — the reference to idols would appear to be directed towards the nation or towards individuals?
- How would Habakkuk 2:20 relate to the preceding verses in comparative terms?
Exploring Judaism is the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism, embracing the beauty and complexity of Judaism, and our personal search for meaning, learning, and connecting. Our goal is to create content based on three core framing: Meaning-Making (Why?), Practical Living (How?), and Explainers (What?).
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