- Is there any identification whatsoever of the time, the place, or the ancestry of Habakkuk?
- Habakkuk 1:1 uses the term “massa” — is this another term for vision? For prophecy? For pronouncement?
- What is the plaint of the prophet to the Divine?
- Does Habakkuk 1:3 inquire as to why God is “inactive”?
- What, according to the prophet, is the consequence of the prevalence of violence and “evil-doing”?
- Habakkuk 1:5 appears to be an answer from God; it continues in verse 6; what is the Divine about to do?
- And will the force aroused by this action be potent and overwhelming?
- But, if called upon to “do away with evil” how, then, explain Habakkuk 1:11?
- Does Habakkuk 1:12 indicate that the prophet is affirming that the Chaldeans were to be “an instrument of God” but that presently the instrument, having become vile,would then, itself, be destroyed?
- According to Habakkuk 1:13 can the Divine “tolerate” injustice and — if it cannot, what is the question that the prophet asks?
- Does the chapter end with a resolution of this seeming tension between the nature of Divinity and the prophet’s description of Divine action?
Exploring Judaism is the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism, embracing the beauty and complexity of Judaism, and our personal search for meaning, learning, and connecting. Our goal is to create content based on three core framing: Meaning-Making (Why?), Practical Living (How?), and Explainers (What?).
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