- Bethlehem was the home of Jesse and his son, David; is it for this reason that the prophet refers to this city as the site from which a ruler in Israel will derive?
- What will be the nature of the “rulership” (Micah 5:3)?
- And, should there be an attack from Assyria what measures will thwart this aggression (Micah 5:4-5)?
- Micah 5:6-8 predict a “new relationship” between Jacob and those who seek to attack Israel; what is that “new relationship”?
- If (Micah 5:9) the horses and the chariots and the fortifications are to be eliminated (Micah 5:9-10) is this a threat or a promise (of a peaceful era which will not require those elements)?
- Micah 5:11 indicates the elimination of certain other elements as does Micah 5:12-13 — does this refer to the “material” to the “religious/ethical”?
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