- What is “bet ha’yotzer”?
- In Jeremiah 18:4, what has become of the first effort of the artisan?
- And how is this symbol declined in the verses which follow?
- Jeremiah 18:6 contains a phrase that is well known from the liturgy of Yom Kippur Maariv; what is it?
- Jeremiah 18:11 indicates “what is to be created” for the Judeans. Is it positive or destructive?
- But, irrespective, what is the response of the Judeans (Jeremiah 18:12)?
- Once again, then, the prediction is of total destruction (Jeremiah 18:15-17). But (Jeremiah 18:18) what is the reaction of the Judeans and to whom directed?
- Disliking the message of the prophet, against whom will the Judeans direct their ire?
- And, what is the plaint/plea/ request of the prophet (Jeremiah 18:19-20)?
- Is the prophet prepared to be forgiving at this particular juncture (Jeremiah 18:21-23)?
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