Find more Hanukkah Candle Lighting Intentions from the RA’s “8 Nights of Kavvanot.”
Avraham, our father,
spotted a palace in flames
as he went on his way.
It was radiant in its beauty
and terrifying in its heat.
He wondered,
“Who is in charge here?”
and the Creator of the lights took note.
Moshe, our teacher,
held his gaze on a brush fire
while his sheep grazed in Midian.
The bush burned on
and could not be swallowed up.
“Hineni. I am here,”
he testified
as Avraham’s God called him by name.
May the Hanukkah lights we ignite tonight
train us to bear witness to our world
in its splendor and its sorrow,
with its rays and clouds,
dusks and dawns.
As the flames sing out in the darkness
and cast shadows on the wall,
May we be like our ancestors,
Abraham and Moses.
May we pause, wonder, ask, and turn
Toward the Designer of Light,
The Architect of Darkness,
The One who Makes Peace,
The Source of All.