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What Does the Month of Iyar Have to Do with Healing?
Iyar and healing refer not just to a named ailment, but overall wellness and health both internally and externally.
What is Tahanun?
Tahanun is the name for a series of penitential prayers that follow the Amidah during the Morning and Afternoon Services.
Biblical Texts Addressing Gossip
Human beings have been given the divine power of speech to enable our participation in the ongoing work of sustaining God’s creation.
Redirecting My Heart to God: My Powerful Sh’ma Intention
Through using this personal kavannah, a spiritual intention, the recitation of the Sh'ma is transformed, and so am I.
Reflections on Death (1973)
Heschel writes in 1973 in "Reflections on Death": Life here and now is the task. Every moment can be an achievement.
Weekly Torah Portion Posts
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